History of the origin of the name Ruzanna
The beautiful female name Ruzanna is quite ancient, so there are many options for its interpretation.
The origins can be found in different cultures. Armenian origins trace back to the Indo-European language group, closely related to the Persian language. And the Persian interpretation says “wise woman.” The Tatar version refers to the Turkic words “day”, “light”, which gives Ruzanna the meaning “bright”, “happy”. From ancient Greek it is translated as “agreement in prayer” or “given by God.”
There is an assumption that this name arose due to the phonetic transformation of the Eastern European pronunciation of Ruzhan, widespread in the Czech Republic, Serbia, Belarus, and meaning “beautiful flower”, “blooming grace”.
Another explanation that cannot be ruled out is the merger of the Greek Rose and the Hebrew Anna.
The name Ruzanna is popular among Eastern peoples, among Muslims. They are given to girls in order to predetermine them a cloudless life.
Sometimes there is a spelling with one “n” – Ruzana.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Ruzanna
Little Ruzi is growing up as a kind, obedient, sympathetic child. I am ready to unconditionally help everyone who needs it. Often brings abandoned animals from the street.
Caring for others forces you to “spray yourself” and creates a lot of trouble. But her natural diligence and determination guide her to constantly improve, unnoticed by prying eyes. Therefore, soon – to everyone’s surprise – Ruzanna achieves significant success.
The adult owner of this name shows an active position, leadership qualities, and does not deviate from her principles. Although her sociability and soulfulness are still with her. He readily meets people halfway, easily responds to requests, and shares his experience. He has excellent self-control and knows how to restrain his emotions. Failures are annoying, but the resilient girl quickly calms down to move on.
The fundamental criterion for Ruzanna when choosing a profession is internal satisfaction from the result of her work. Among these women there are teachers, translators, actresses, singers, designers, journalists, artists, art historians, fashion designers, design engineers, writers, writers, and doctors. As an employee, she is very responsible and obligatory, which is valued by management in any field.
While passionate about his career, he remembers his leisure time. Likes to spend time with friends, receive guests, takes care of the house, creates comfort, and cooks delicious food.
Family life usually goes well. Her husband chooses a balanced man who will yield leadership. Raises his chosen one to the ideal, ignoring his shortcomings. I am convinced that the person I love is the best, even if in reality everything is different. It is surprising that this approach contributes to the formation of a strong union. After marriage, she tries to spend more time with her family.
In everyday life she is clean to the point of fanaticism. The reluctance of relatives to maintain perfect order can serve as a reason for a quarrel. But the ability to find a compromise helps avoid scandals. Limiting herself to a remark, she will remove everything herself without unnecessary passion.
Name days:
Doesn’t celebrate. The close name Rufina celebrates the day of the angel on September 15 in honor of Rufina of Caesarea (Cappadocia)
Diminutive version
Ruzannachka, Ruzannanushka, Ruzannonka, Ruzanchik, Ruzashka, Ruzochka, Ruzanka, Zanochka, Annushka, Annochka
Ruzka, Ruza, Ruzya, Ruzi, Zana, Zaza, Anna, Ana
According to the church
- red
- Mars
- fire
Stone talisman
Totem animal