History of the origin of the name Ruslan

The name Ruslana is a feminine version of the name Ruslan and has its origins in eastern folklore, where it is mentioned by a Persian poet in the form Rustam. The Turkic epic called the same character Arslan, son of Zalazar. The name entered Slavic culture as Yerusalan. Translated from its historical language, Ruslana is translated as “lioness”.

There is another version of the origin of the name. According to her, it is originally Slavic and comes from the word “blond”. Popularity in the post-Soviet space came after the popularization of the male version in Pushkin’s poem of the same name.

Recently, the form Lana has become widespread, which can be used both as an abbreviated version and as a separate full name.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Ruslana

The name gives Ruslana extraordinary fortitude and stubbornness. A girl’s pride will often interfere with her life, but determination helps her achieve her goals.

As a child, Ruslana was an energetic and active child. From an early age, she tends to show leadership qualities. In the sphere of her own power, she will not tolerate competition. Ruslana likes to organize rebellions based on the existing rules established by others, sometimes she can become aggressive beyond measure. The bearer of the name is inclined to experience a feeling of envy, which pushes her to achieve new heights.

Ruslana’s character and abilities allow her to realize herself in the field of education or politics. The desire for fame can lead a girl to a career as an actress. The most profitable option would be to open your own business: enterprising Ruslana will easily be able to deal with her competitors.

The bearer of this name quickly flares up with new ideas, but just as quickly cools down, wasting her energy and money. The girl can only be saved by a stable and balanced loved one who can help Ruslana not go astray from her intended path.

The owner of an unusual name “makes” herself. This applies to both career and appearance. The girl closely monitors her diet, lifestyle, and works out in the gym.

Ruslana’s wife chooses once for the rest of her life. She does not waste herself on empty romances; she prefers to create a strong family rather than flirt in clubs. She is an excellent mother and a good wife, but requires the complete submission of her household to her authority.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Ruslanka, Ruslasha, Ruslana, Ruslanochka, Ruslanushka, Rusichka, Rusinka, Lanochka, Lanushka


Rusya, Ruska, Lana, Lanka

According to the church



  • Orange


  • Sun


  • air

Stone talisman

fire opal




ash, sorrel

Totem animal


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