History of the origin of the name Rusalina
The name Rusalina is found in Russia, in Slavic countries, in Central Asia, in the Balkans and among gypsies. The history of the name has several versions. Thus, the Slavic root “rus” speaks of the Slavic origin of the name Rusalina. The existing opinion that Rusalina comes from the word “mermaid” is not historical, but rather everyday. According to another version, the name Rusalina is the feminine form of the Turkic name Ruslan.
The name is not in common use, it is rarely found even among peoples where it is more or less common. Most Rusalins can be found in Bulgaria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the Volga region. In European Russia the name is extremely rare. But most likely, the fashion for rare names and interest in Slavic roots will soon make the “mermaid” name popular. A full-sounding and melodious name with many variations of abbreviations attracts parents of girls.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Rusalina
Rusalina from the Slavic root “rus” (“light”, “blond”) means “blond” or “light”. There is a version that the name Rusalina can be translated from Old Russian as “mermaid’s daughter”, i.e. (whose?) mermaid, mermaid, mermaid. But linguists do not confirm this version.
If we take the name as a derivative of the male form Ruslan, which means “lion,” then Rusalina means “lioness.” Among the gypsies, the name means “pattern on the heart” or “guiding star.”
Rusalina is truly a mysterious and alluring beauty. The owners of this name are feminine, but not at all weak and dreamy creatures. They are strong, active, punchy, and a little on their own. They are like a deep lake, whose depth and its inhabitants are hidden from view.
In childhood, Rusalina can be too quiet and self-absorbed. Parents are happy about such an obedient daughter, but the girl simply adapts to the world around her, explores it and her capabilities. But, starting from school, Rusalina will learn to show her strong character. Stubborn, active – she won’t argue, but she will do it her way. They say about such people “at least a stake on your head.”
She is purposeful, loves to occupy a dominant position in the team and in the family, and achieves her goals. Rusalina is not at all a slave to her desires; she can be convinced and come to an agreement, but serious arguments will have to be made. She will listen to reason. Rusalina is cunning, but kind to people. Her cunning is a typically feminine defense of her own interests, and not deceit.
Rusalina is often a very gifted, creative person. She loves everything beautiful, has a keen sense of nature and people, and is endowed with artistry and intuition. He pays a lot of attention to the aesthetic side. She has a deep connection with nature and animals. But Rusalina is also a clear leader and organizer. Can be an actress, director, designer, artist, hairdresser, stylist, leader, entrepreneur, veterinarian, doctor.
Rusalina is lucky in love. She has a bright attractiveness and has a magical effect on men. A mermaid, and that’s all! The choice of a spouse will be entrusted not so much to the heart as to the mind. Can change. But most likely he will not risk his beloved family and position for the sake of momentary passion. She loves children and can give birth to many heirs. The house is full of laughter and animals. Rusalina is not the cleanest housewife, but her desire for beauty forces her to keep her house clean and tidy.
Name days:
There is no Orthodox saint with this name, but you can be baptized under the name Angelina and celebrate her name day on July 14th.
Diminutive version
Rusalinushka, Rusya, Rusalinka, Rusalinochka, Linochka, Linusha, Rusinka, Rusyusha, Linny, Rusinka, Mermaid
Rusya, Lina, Mermaid
According to the church
- blue
- Venus
- water
Stone talisman
aquamarine, beryl
willow, chamomile
Totem animal