History of the origin of the name Rostislav
Rostislav is a male name of Slavic origin, formed by a combination of two words – “grow” and “glory”, which can be interpreted as “growing, increasing glory”.
It is clear that the name Rostislav, due to its origin, gained popularity and distribution primarily among the Slavic peoples.
The name has many abbreviated and diminutive forms, the most common of which are: Rostik, Slava, Rosya, Rostya Rostislavchik, Slavka, Slavik, Slavunya.
The name is not represented in the church calendar, so name days are not celebrated.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Rostislav
If we proceed from the origin and meaning of the name, it becomes clear that the person named Rostislav is in constant movement and dynamics. He never stops working on himself, learning and improving himself. Hence, the key character traits of a man are stubbornness, perfection, and the pursuit of ideals. However, Rostislav acquires these character traits gradually, with experience and age.
As a child, little Rostislav is a completely ordinary child, no different from the majority. He, like all boys, is restless, nimble and inquisitive.
At school, the guy does not show a particular thirst for knowledge: he earns solid C grades and is firmly convinced that he doesn’t need more. The situation changes slightly during your student years: if you can’t do something, you can be sure that Rostislav will definitely ignore it.
However, with age and the realization that one must somehow survive in this world, Rostislav, under the influence of circumstances, changes dramatically. A guy’s parents’ refusal to support him and his transition to free bread may well push a guy to such a desire. Only now Rostislav begins to think about what he can do and what he can do to earn his bread and butter. And actually from this moment the guy’s almost vertical take-off begins.
He enrolls in additional courses, actively researches the area in which he plans to connect his professional growth, and persistently looks for acquaintances who could help him in this or that matter.
And, as experience and observation show, Rostislav almost always achieves success. The main thing here is not to make a mistake with the choice of profession, because Rostislav easily gets carried away by something new, but just as quickly becomes disappointed and gives up halfway.
Very often a guy needs help and good advice. Such advisers are usually close friends, parents or a wife, who are an authority for Rostislav. It is important to push the guy, to encourage him, to at least outline the direction of movement – and he will soar to unprecedented heights.
Rostislav marries quite early and to someone his own age. He does not set any specific requirements for his wife, but the only condition for a strong marriage is mutual respect and the authority of the husband in the family.
Theoretically, Rostislav can realize himself in various professional fields, but most often he achieves success in medicine, art, and engineering specialties.
The name Rostislav is most common among the Slavs. Its most famous representatives are: Rostislav Vygranenko (Polish organist), Rostislav Durlyakhov (Russian designer), Rostislav Grigorchuk (Russian mathematician), Rostislav Valikhnovsky (plastic surgeon), Rostislav Derzhipilsky (Ukrainian director), Rostislav Gorelov (painter), Rostislav Shirokikh ( announcer), Rostislav Plyatt (actor).
Name days:
March 27, May 24
Diminutive version
Rostyslavushka, Rostyslavonka, Rostyslavochka, Rostechka, Rostenka, Rostyushka, Slavushka, Slavonka
Rostislavka, Rostislavchik, Rostya, Rostik, Slava, Slavik
According to the church
- Venus
- water
Stone talisman
pine, forget-me-not
Totem animal