Origin of the name Rosalina

The name has two versions of origin: from the ancient Germanic language and from Latin. The form “Rosalina” is a shortened version of the medieval English name Rosalind.

The name appears in English written sources from the 11th century. This is the royal name of the English aristocracy.

This is the so-called Shakespearean name. That was the name of the heroines of two of his works. Romeo, before falling in love with Juliet, was in love with Capulet’s niece Rosaline.

Now this rare classic name can be heard in England, Wales, Scotland, Italy, Spain, and less often in Germany and the USA. The name spread throughout Europe in the 19th century and was the name of nobility and girls from good families. It has never been very popular. But it was always included in the TOP 500 names in Great Britain. In Russia this name is unique and almost never occurs. But it is very popular among Tatars and Muslims.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Rosalina

Rosalina, according to one version, goes back to the name Rosalind and means from the ancient German “hros” and “lindis” – “horse” and “tender, graceful, beautiful.” That is, “a gentle horse.” This nickname was brought to Britain at the Norman Conquest and morphed into “Rosaline”.

According to the second, the name Rosalina comes from the Latin words “rose” “line”, which translates as “beautiful rose”. In Italy and Spain, where their languages ​​are a mixture of Latin and local dialects, the form “Rosalina” immediately spread. Few people now guess about the ancient Germanic roots of the name, rightly guessing in the meaning of the name the name of a flower, a rose.

Baby Rosalina lives up to her name: bright, full of energy and life, beautiful and gifted, but she can be pricked by the thorns of stubbornness and anger. Despite the gentle sound, this is a very active and even aggressive name. Which, however, is corrected by education.

The baby is growing up to be everyone’s favorite, beautiful, inquisitive and active. She will not sit with toys and books. This hurricane will energetically explore the world, crawling into all corners and getting into trouble. Parents need to teach Rosalina to control her emotions and behavior, so that in her adult life she will not grow up as a prickly wild rose, but as a beautiful garden rose.

If this works out, then the adult Rosaline will be a real English lady, but with a devilish twist. This is such an attractive combination that there will be no end to lovers. Rosalina will be surrounded by a crowd of friends and admirers from childhood. In the company she is the leader, the instigator. Doesn’t sit still, looks for adventures and new experiences.

In childhood, he does not study to his full potential, because… She is an enthusiastic nature, but with age she begins to realize the value of knowledge, education, and career. Ambitious, sets goals and works hard to achieve them. Often achieves success, fame, money and power. Likes to command, strives to become a boss. But she is in the right place and leads competently.

Bright charisma, beauty, high professional skills, financial well-being – an enviable bride! Rosalina will choose her husband wisely at a fairly mature age. Or this will be a second marriage that will last a lifetime. A faithful wife, an exemplary mother and housewife. In general, Rosalina is 100% capable of revealing her purpose both in self-realization and in the family.

Name days:

Not in Orthodoxy. There is a Catholic Saint Rosaline of Villeneuve with her name day on January 4th.

Diminutive version

Rosette, Linochka, Rosalinochka, Rosalinushka, Rozonka, Rosie, Rosetta, Linusya, Little Linochka, Rosalinka, Rozulya, Rollie, Lolly


Rosa, Lina, Rosalie, Rosie

According to the church



  • Orange
  • red


  • Jupiter


  • fire

Stone talisman

ruby, emerald




rose, pine, fir

Totem animal


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