History of the origin of the name Roksolana

Controversy continues over the name Roksolana. Some onomatologists believe that the name is fictitious, artificially created by the Ambassador of the Holy Roman Empire Ogier Ghislain de Busbec, the author of the “Turkish Notes” from the Persian female names Roxana and Alana. Others rightly believe that the name has roots in several languages ​​and is quite common in some territories, i.e. authentic.

Be that as it may, this name was glorified by the famous Hurrem, aka Roksolana, the wife of the all-powerful Turkish Sultan Suleiman II at that time, who achieved unprecedented power and glory for herself and her husband.

Of course, this historical figure leaves its mark on the perception of the name. However, the name is characteristic of Slavic countries: Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, etc. In Europe and Russia the name is considered rare, but familiar. In the future the name will become more common. The popularity of the name is facilitated by the famous TV series “The Magnificent Century” about the life of the historical heroine Roksolana, the tendency to name children unusual names and the desire to return to Slavic roots.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Roksolana

The name Roksolana has three versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Roxolana is a representative of the ancient tribe of Roxolans or Alans, a Sarmatian people who lived along the banks of the Rox/Araks River. According to another, the name Roksolana comes from the Iranian words “roks”/”ruks” – “light”, “shining” and “alan” – a representative of the Alans, i.e. “Bright Alanka” And the third version about a fictitious name made up by the Turkish ambassador from the names Roxana and Alan was already given above.

Roksolana manages to combine two opposites in her name and character: hardness and softness. “Rox” gives purposefulness, ambition, brightness, activity, positivity – such people always set goals, go towards them, don’t whine, look for ways, not excuses. And “Lana” is oriental bliss, femininity, attractiveness, desire for beauty, creativity, pleasure.

Roksolana does not cause trouble in childhood; rather, on the contrary, the girl is a source of parental pride. Not very open to the outside world. As a child, Roksolana seemed more immersed in herself, exploring the secrets of her soul.

It is revealed at school, because… Roksolana loves the team, leading, commanding, but to the point. There is no excessive self-confidence or unfeminine power in her. Her classmates love her and she makes friends easily. She loves courtship and is quite a friendly and attentive person to those around her.

It’s not that Roksolana doesn’t like to work, but simply hates boring, routine work, without which you often won’t achieve results anywhere. She is an excellent organizer and leader. Her element is to distribute to everyone what she doesn’t want to do herself. The best option for her professional field is entrepreneurship, creativity, organization.

Roksolana is in love with a player. Bet on red! If a husband is a king, if love is an unearthly passion, if courtship is the moon from the sky. And she manages to achieve this. Often Roksolana very successfully marries a status and wealthy man. He will not suffer in his marriage if something goes wrong – he takes a lover or gets involved in some project, travel, creativity. Roksolana’s life is organized at the highest level. She is an excellent hostess, but she can easily use the services of hired staff. She gives birth to children at an adult age and puts her whole soul into them.

Name days:

doesn’t celebrate

Diminutive version

Roxy, Lanochka, Roksolanushka, Roksolanochka, Lanusha, Roxa, Lanna, Lanusya, Roksol, Roksolya


Roxy, Lana, Lanny, Roxas

According to the church



  • wine
  • crimson
  • slivovыy
  • vinous


  • Venus


  • water

Stone talisman

tourmaline, ruby




rose, chestnut

Totem animal


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