History of the origin of the name Rodion
Rodion is a male name that first appeared in Ancient Greece. Then, through the Church Slavonic language, it came to Rus’. At first, only clergymen bore this name, but gradually it passed to representatives of the nobility, and then spread among ordinary residents. The name is quite rare.
The patron saint of the name is the monk, Saint Rhodes, who spent many years as a hermit on a distant island. He wanted to atone for the sins of people who had succumbed to base earthly pleasures, who had lost their morality, their spirituality, and humanity. Saint Rhodes became known only after his death, when the records he kept were discovered. The monk was canonized.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Rodion
If translated from Greek, the name can have three meanings. The first is “hero”, “heroic”, the second is “resident of the island of Rhodes”, and the third is “pink”. This variety of interpretations of the name is associated with several options for its formation. Either the name “Rodion” comes from the Greek word “rodeos”, or from “rodion”, or it is the Russian form of the ancient Greek name Herodion. However, all versions may be correct.
Rodion’s character is distinguished by such traits as calmness, balance, goodwill, sincerity and cordiality. In relation to others, he shows responsiveness and generosity, care, he is always ready to help his friend. Patient, he can be both strict and reasonable, and an energetic optimist who pours his positivity on those around him. Rodion is a reliable, responsible, enterprising and self-confident person who does not like to be alone for a long time. The people around him value him, love him and support him.
Rodion also has a strong mind, quick wits, and logical thinking. Thanks to diligence and restraint, he can build a successful career for himself, and charm, devotion and altruism will help him make good friends and a faithful wife who is able to tolerate his unpredictability.
Name days:
January 17, April 8, April 21, July 16, August 8, October 11, October 17, November 10, November 23
Diminutive version
Rodionka, Rodiosha, Rodyusha
According to the church
Rodion, Herodion
- crimson
- Pluto
- air
Stone talisman
jasmine, chrysanthemum
Totem animal