History of the origin of the name Rinat
Rinat (Renat) is a male name, the origin of which is quite controversial. So, in the transliteration “Rinat” the name is derived from the Latin “Renatus” – “born again”, “reborn”.
In phonetic design, “Renat” the name is associated with “revolution, science, labor” or “revolution, science, technology.”
The name Rinat is quite common among the Volga Tatars and Bashkirs, in Kazakhstan and the North Caucasus.
The prevalence of the name led to the appearance of abbreviated and modified forms used in different countries: Renato (Italy, Portugal), Rene (France), Rinat (Poland).
The name day of men named Rinat is celebrated on November 12.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Rinat
If we take into account the origin and meaning of the name, it becomes obvious that, meaning “born again”, “reborn”, a man who bears the name Rinat, the key character traits are determination, perseverance, perseverance and skill every time after failure again and again get to your feet. The leadership qualities of a person named Rinat are undeniable.
However, Rinat is not born a leader – it is a matter of self-improvement and constant work on oneself. As a child, a guy named Rinat was quite indecisive and unsure of himself. He is at the same time very shy, so in a children’s company he rather obeys the leaders than sets the tone himself. He is withdrawn and not particularly communicative. The only feature that prevails over others is the guy’s considerable courage: it seems that he is not afraid of anything. It is this key character trait that will contribute to Rinat’s transformation into a strong and purposeful person who clearly knows what she is worth, what she wants and how to achieve what she wants.
Already at school, the guy demonstrates extraordinary mathematical abilities and is noted for his analytical mind. All subjects are given to him equally easily, but the guy clearly sets priorities, dividing sciences into those that he will need in life and those that are worthless.
Rinat’s analytical mindset predetermines the choice of a profession in which everything would be subject to iron logic and clear calculation. This is why Rinat will achieve success in business, management, logistics or various sports.
Rinat is a perfectionist, which pushes people away from him, because not everyone can tolerate an ideal around him, who also strives to make those around him ideal.
Rinat usually enters into marriage late, having a good idea of the model of family life and setting clear requirements for his companion. A leader by nature, Rinat will not tolerate encroachments on his role as head of the family, so a smart wife will step into the shadows and allow Rinat to steer the family ship with a confident hand. Rinat is a caring father and husband who wants to provide his family with the best, and therefore works tirelessly .
The name Rinat is common in different countries. Its most famous representatives are: Rinat Bilyaletdinov (coach and hockey player), Rinat Akhmetov (Ukrainian billionaire, owner of Shakhtar football club), Rinat Gilfanov (Russian poet), Rinat Ibrahimov (Soviet singer), Renat Haris (poet, playwright), Rinat Sharafullin (cyclist), Rinat Shamsutov (hockey player), Rinat Safin (biathlete).
Name days:
September 7, September 29
Diminutive version
Renatik, Renechka, Renushka, Renatushka, Natushka, Natochka
Ren, Renny, Rena, Nata, Renek, Renatka
According to the church
- gray-blue
- Mercury
- fire
Stone talisman
hornbeam, purslane
Totem animal