Origin of the name Reseda
The roots of the name Reseda are European. The very meaning of this “flower” name is taken from the Latin language, and it became widespread in medieval France, from where it was borrowed by other European peoples.
Then the name came to the Arabs, to the Caucasus, to the peoples of the Volga region and Central Asia. At the moment the name is very popular among the Tatars and Bashkirs. Moreover, it is so in demand among these peoples that the origin of the name began to be attributed to them. No, the name became so famous among the Tatars and Bashkirs thanks to borrowing from Europe. The origin of the name Reseda is French.
The mignonette flower itself, which gave this name, grows in the southern climate of the Mediterranean, southern Siberia, the Caucasus, etc. It was in this area that the name was primarily widespread. But now it can be heard more often in Russia among the Tatars and Bashkirs than in France. These peoples fell in love with the bright and sonorous name. In the world, the name Reseda is considered rare, but not unique. In Russia it is familiar to many thanks to the neighborhood and cultural exchange with the Bashkirs and Tatars.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Reseda
The name Reseda is another “flower” name. From Latin “rezeda” – “healing” from the verb “resedare” – “to calm”, “to heal”. Medicinal properties are attributed to the small fragrant flowers of mignonette, collected in lush ears. There are more than 50 plant species. But it was the fragrant flowers of Reseda Odorata that attracted herbalists, who treated people with them.
Little Mignonette is naughty and playful. With her appearance, the house is transformed: laughter, dancing, a voice as clear as a bell, pranks. But Reseda is not particularly capricious. She is a kind and cheerful little girl with bursting energy. Mignonette is talkative, open to others, and has strong empathy, so it is comfortable to communicate with her. Active, can do a hundred things at once.
Growing up, Reseda has to restrain the flow of her frantic energy. At school, she gets used to channeling this energy into peaceful channels. But studying is not easy for her. But Reseda can handle any school amateur performances and events. Reseda’s school years will bring real friends, especially girlfriends. Cheerful, kind and talented – she is surrounded by friendly attention and fun.
Mignonette carries enormous creative potential. One way or another, she will be drawn to self-realization, her talent will seek application. If she cannot follow a creative path, she will splash out her talent through a hobby. Can work hard, work in complex, demanding areas. For example, a doctor, chemical technologist, laboratory assistant, engineer, estimator, etc.
Bright and interesting Reseda is literally surrounded by male attention from the cradle. She is not always beautiful in the classical sense, but she is always charming, sweet and attractive. They say they are “sexy”. She gets married early, almost during her student years, and most often successfully. Family for Reseda is part of herself. Home, husband, children are her support and joy, to which she happily devotes her time.
Name days:
The name is not Christian, name days are not celebrated.
Diminutive version
Rezedushka, Zedochka, Rezedushka, Rezonka, Rezochka
Reza, Zeda, Reze
According to the church
- yellow
- golden
- Mars
- fire
Stone talisman
citrine, garnet
reseda, linden
Totem animal