Origin of the name Renat
The name Renat (another spelling version is Rinat) has several theories of origin. The most common is that the name comes from the Latin word “renatus”, which translates as “born again”, “reborn”. From here the church version of the name was created – Rinatu.
During the USSR, a new decoding appeared for the name, it began to be perceived as the abbreviation “Revolution-People-Labor” or “Revolution-Science-Technology”, and received a new wave of popularity, proclaiming Soviet values to please the revolutionary leaders. According to one version, it was this version of the name that began to always be written with the letter “E”.
The name Renat is most common in the Russian Federation, the North Caucasus, and also in Crimea among the Tatars. Moreover, it is often found in both Orthodox and Catholic Holy Scriptures. Accordingly, Renat can celebrate name days according to the church calendar three times a year: September 7, September 29 and November 12.
In Europe, this name took on such forms as Rene, Renatus, Renat. Renata is considered the female version of the name in Russia.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Renat
The name Renat translates as “reborn,” which carries great fortitude. However, as a child, Renat can be a little indecisive, even phlegmatic. He is hardworking and tries to study well. Parents rarely have problems with his upbringing or behavior. Thanks to perseverance, he often emerges as a leader, although in reality he can be shy, and he has to overcome himself in order to approach a stranger.
As an adult, Renat is purposeful, open and self-confident. He knows how to win over those around him, even strangers, and he has a large circle of friends.
Renat is very balanced and decisive. He always has his own opinion and values, from which he will not deviate. Having made a decision, Renat stubbornly pursues his goal.
Renat has an analytical mind, and therefore he often chooses professions related to finance, logistics, technology or management. Renat has great efficiency and perseverance, so he achieves success in his chosen field.
At the same time, Renat has some tendencies towards narcissism, he is pedantic and demanding of those around him. Renat remembers insults for an extremely long time, but even if he wants to take revenge, he will never stoop to vile actions and will not weave intrigues.
Renat marries late, but at the same time creates a strong marriage and values his family. He is always a caring husband and father. Most often, Renat’s first child is a son.
Renatas born in winter are distinguished by their great generosity, honest nature, justice and courage. They are constant in their relationships with people: they do not immediately allow them to approach them, but at the same time it is difficult to part with them. But sometimes they are too stubborn and try not to take on unnecessary obligations. At the same time, they always sincerely repent if they let someone down or do not keep their word.
“Autumn” Renat is very grateful to his parents, takes care of them and chooses housing nearby.
Renat, born in the summer, has a softer character, but is very loving and cannot take his eyes off a beautiful woman.
Name days:
September 7, September 29, November 12
Diminutive version
Renatik, Renechka, Renushka, Renatushka, Natushka, Natochka
Ren, Renny, Rena, Nata, Renek, Renatka
According to the church
- gray-blue
- Mercury
- air
Stone talisman
hornbeam, purslane
Totem animal