History of the origin of the name Regina

Translated from Latin, Regina means “queen”, “empress”, “royal person”. There is also a theory that the literal translation of the name means “queen.” The name became widespread among the Armenian and Tatar peoples.

Characteristics of the name Regina: main character traits

The owner of the name Regina is a determined and independent person, distinguished by nobility and truly royal equanimity. Since childhood, Regina has been distinguished by her excellent ability to behave in society, to “keep her face” – many envy her self-control. She has excellent memory, diligence and therefore is almost always the best student in the class. Regina is a pronounced leader; from her youth she strives for material independence, making all the necessary efforts for this. Therefore, in the middle of her life, Regina is a wealthy and successful woman who, in most cases, has achieved everything herself.

Purposeful and hardworking, Regina always sets high, sometimes difficult to achieve goals. At the same time, she has curiosity and an excellent sense of humor, which often helps to cope with difficulties. Regina loves not only to work hard and efficiently, but also to relax in style; traveling is her passion. Cheerful and witty, she attracts people to her, so she has many friends and a wide circle of friends. She loves active recreation: hiking, tourist trips, excursions. While earning money, she does not strive to save money. Regina loves to live on a royal scale, so she is always accompanied by the attributes of luxury.

Regina has extraordinary intellectual abilities and tangible inner strength. Most suited to her are male professions. It is often implemented in areas such as medicine, research, banking, journalism, and information technology. However, she always remains feminine and alluring. She is noble and kind with her loved ones, cold and arrogant with her opponents, and dispassionate with her subordinates. Regina is not without cunning and narcissism; these qualities help her move up the career ladder.

Positive character traits: charisma, energy, hard work, dedication, determination.

Negative character traits: vanity, egocentrism, arrogance, stubbornness.

What is Regina like in love?

The main passion in Regina’s life is her career. Without making much effort, Regina always basks in the adoration and admiration of her fans, perceiving it as a natural given. Like every successful woman, her requirements for her future spouse are high. He must be an intellectual and a workaholic, like herself. In the love sphere, Regina strives for complete control of her partner, which does not always have a beneficial effect on relationships. Excessive power and jealousy are the two main problems that await Regina’s chosen one. If he learns to accept her strong character without unnecessary emotions, then the union will be unbreakable, since Regina is from that breed of women who get married once in their life. She will not waste her time on casual relationships, as she is a maximalist by nature.

Name days:

January 18, March 17, September 7

Diminutive version

Reginka, Regushka, Reginochka, Reginushka


Rena, Renya, Rina, Gina, Dzina

According to the church



  • purple


  • Jupiter


  • water

Stone talisman





pine, poppy

Totem animal


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