Origin of the name Ryan
The name Rayana has several versions of origin because it has roots in different languages. It is characteristic of both Western and Eastern traditions. For example, Rayana is the feminine form of the masculine Old English and Irish name Ryan, which was considered royal. It was worn by the ancestors of the ancient kingdoms of England and Ireland, and their daughters were named after Ryan.
This is a particularly revered name among Muslims, because… it is associated with the name of the fifth door of Paradise, through which a devout Muslim can enter there. In the Turkic and Arabic languages there is the word “rayana” with its own special meaning. In this regard, the name Ryan is found among many eastern, Caucasian peoples and peoples of the Volga region.
The name is very common, it can be found on any continent. For Russia and Russian culture, the name is rare, because it is found only among the peoples of the Turkic group or those professing Islam.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Ryan
The name Rayan goes back to the name of one of the five doors leading to the Muslim Paradise – “Ar-rayan”, that is, it symbolizes happiness and the highest bliss. In the Turkic language “raīana” means “harmonious”, “developed”, “full”. Among the Arabs, the word “rayana” is translated as “abundantly fruitful,” “fertile,” “juicy.” In Gaelic, the word “raỹ’ana” means “water”, “stream”. And in Irish the term “rayan” was used to call kings and princes, which meant “royal”, “noble”. That’s why Rayana means princess in Irish.
Rayana is a bright and cheerful little girl, full of energy and a variety of ideas. In childhood, he may show an independent character, stubbornness, and recklessness. She should not be broken, but explained the rules and taught to obey. Ryan simply has too much energy; she actively defends her opinion not in order to annoy adults, but in order to understand her Self.
Growing up, Rayana learns to control herself. The school can be one of the best, if not in academics, then in social life and competitions for sure. She likes to be the first, shows leadership qualities, quick wits, and remarkable acumen. The girl has many friends, and her favorite school friends can become true, faithful friends in life. Rayana has a keenly developed sense of community and nobility. Some try to take advantage of a friend, but life will teach Ryan to recognize such “clingers.”
Rayana loves creativity, especially singing and dancing. A girl, as a rule, has many talents. And her energy is enough for three, to realize all her plans, you just need to cut this diamond. It is difficult to choose a profession for Rayana, because she can have many hobbies and talents. If you can’t find a creative job, a hobby will help.
Relationships are a complex topic for Rayana. Her almost masculine activity, straightforwardness and self-sufficiency prevent her from accepting a man as a leader. Even when married, Rayana manages to command, dictate her terms, and argue with her husband. However, if there is love in the house, then a wise and loving husband will accept this obstinacy like a hedgehog’s needles, knowing that inside Ryan loves and appreciates him, since she has made her choice.
Name days:
The name is not Christian, so name days are not celebrated.
Diminutive version
Raya, Rayasha, Rayanka, Yana, Rayanochka, Rayanusya, Rayashechka
Raya, Jana, Rani
According to the church
- red
- Mars
- fire
Stone talisman
turquoise, coral
barberry, chestnut, aster
Totem animal