Origin of the name Rauf

The male name has ancient Arabic roots, translated into Russian it means “merciful, merciful, kind-hearted.” Also has the interpretation “sharing grief.” Previously, parents, when giving a name to a child, hoped to endow him with those traits and character that the name Rauf carries.

Islamic theologians interpret this name-epithet of Allah himself as “compassionate.” Rauf is the one who accepts the repentance of sinners, bestows benefits and his mercy after repentance, and forgives. Such names-epithets were very popular among Islamic peoples. As stated in the holy book of the Koran: “On the day of judgment you will be called by your names, so choose the best names.” And of course, the name Rauf was considered worthy, as it is closely connected with faith, religion and reminded of Allah himself.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Rauf

In his aspirations, Rauf has extraordinary willpower and is very resilient. He cannot afford to give up and leave things unfinished halfway. He is very economical and loves practicality in everything; even his future soulmate should have the same qualities. He will not act without thinking a hundred times first. Character traits such as prudence and prudence prevent Rauf from making mistakes that he would later regret.

A man with this name does not “live in castles in the air”; he is used to achieving his goals and making his dreams come true. He looks at the world soberly without rose-colored glasses. Taking things too seriously sometimes prevents you from establishing relationships with friends and family. It is difficult for him to relax and have fun with everyone; his persistence and hard work help him achieve success, but in relationships with others it is difficult to find a common language. Rauf is prone to uncontrollable mood swings. In the morning he will wake up in a great mood, but any little thing can ruin his day (and vice versa).

Rauf doesn’t like to lose. Having carefully weighed everything, he will not take on a task at all in which he cannot become the best, be a winner. It is difficult for him to work under someone else’s leadership, since he himself has an entrepreneurial spirit. If he decides to achieve success in any area, he will achieve it by any means, no matter what the cost. At times his desire for leadership borders on tyranny.

A man strictly adheres to all dogmas and the main thing in his relationship with a woman is the creation of a strong family. He will not waste his time on casual relationships; he scrupulously chooses the one and only one for life. In relationships, Rauf finds it difficult to demonstrate his feelings, which often leads to conflicts and misunderstandings between spouses. But the girl who shows understanding and patience will receive the most faithful husband and strong support. In difficult times, he will take on all responsibilities and take care of his beloved. With him around, she wouldn’t have to worry about anything.

Name days:


Diminutive version




According to the church

Rauf – Muslim name


  • red
  • violet


  • Uran


  • air

Stone talisman

coral, opal, smoky quartz, black lignite, selenite, dioptase, calcite


lead, iron


aspen, alpine rose, barberry, saxifrage, rubber tree

Totem animal

electric eel, electric stingray

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