Origin of the name Rasul

The name Rasul has Tatar roots and is translated as prophet, messenger. In Arabic it means “apostle.” Later, the female form of the male name, Rasulya, arose, which spread among the Tatars.

The name Rasul does not have an Angel Day, since it is not listed in any of the church calendars.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Rasul

Rasul is an extremely mysterious person. From the outside, it seems that he knows something that helps him achieve spiritual harmony and that others cannot do. Rasul is impressionable, emotional, idealizes what is happening around him, experiencing compassion for people at such moments.

He is devout, often goes to church, observes fasts and knows all church holidays. Capable of mercy.

Negative character traits include Rasul’s selfishness. Without noticing it, he “pulls the blanket over himself” in everything – in his career, in friendship, in love and in everyday life. Often actions are ahead of thoughts; this behavior is prescribed to Rasul due to his excessive impulsiveness. Rasul is dogmatic and often does not accept the point of view of the people around him, acting according to his feelings.

The owner of the name has been creatively developed since childhood; he realizes himself as an actor, musician or artist. Working in low-paying professions, he manages to earn a lot of money because he has an incredible ability to attract material well-being.

He treats failures and successes equally calmly. More often than not, luck and fortune are on Rasul’s side, but if he fails to find himself in his career on the first or second try, then he is left with nothing.

He does not know how to manage money rationally and can blow a tidy sum of money in one evening, thereby throwing dust in the eyes of others. In financial matters, Rasul needs to be more restrained, but even the comments of people close to him do not have the desired impact on him.

He is waiting for true love and strong relationships; fleeting affairs are not for him. Having found his happiness, having built relationships that are ideal in his understanding, he ceases to value them.

In love, he often cannot be absolutely happy, since he himself is not able to value relationships. He behaves selfishly and demonstrates the inside of the owner in relation to his soulmate. In moments of irritation, he becomes domineering, capricious and harsh, so he can only build a marriage with a patient woman who is able to “smooth out corners.” He strives to make all decisions alone, considering his opinion to be the main thing. The wife is solely responsible for the daily life and comfort of his family.

Rasul loves his children very much, but does not want to raise them: diapers, potties, complementary foods, sleepless nights are not for him. He prefers to rarely be at home while his children are too young. During this period, Rasul is persistently engaged in making money.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Rasul, Rasulchik, Rasik



According to the church



  • golden


  • Sun


  • fire

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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