Origin of the name Rasim

The name Rasim (راسم) has several interpretations. From Arabic it is translated as “custom”. From Tatar and Azerbaijani – as “painter”, “artist”, “draftsman”. The female version of the name is Rasima. Sometimes Rasim is used as a diminutive form of the name Gerasim.

Rasim-Tarkhan is a famous Khazar commander. In the 8th century he led the Khazars’ campaign in Transcaucasia and attacked Albania and Eastern Georgia. They defeated one Arab army and put the second to flight. However, Rasim acted wisely and did not go deeper into enemy territory, realizing that new units of the Arab army would soon approach. This campaign allowed the Khazars to capture cattle, horses and prisoners. Rasim himself was a Khorezmian and bore the title Elteber.

The name Rasim is common among Tatars, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanis, Kyrgyz, it can be found in Georgia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, as well as in many Western countries where Muslim communities live: USA, Canada, Portugal, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain. In Russia it is rare.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Rasim

Rasim is a confident, capable child. He is brave and capable of doing rash things, even risking his life. Therefore, parents should closely monitor the boy and teach him the basics of self-preservation. Rasim strives for spiritual and physical comfort. He does not like to overwork, conflict, or be nervous. The boy does well at school, does a lot of extracurricular activities, and enjoys sports.

Rasim strives to choose his own path in life, but is never satisfied with what he received. He constantly improves himself and expands his range of interests. For Rasim, it is important to create a solid material base. Over the years, capriciousness and authority begin to awaken in him, but common sense never leaves this man.

Upon a superficial acquaintance, Rasim gives the impression of a practical and even dry person. But behind all this hides a soft and sensitive nature, which reveals itself in the circle of family and friends. Rasim is kind and peaceful, ready to help at any moment, which is why many people love and respect him.

Rasim loves his job and can completely lose himself in it. For him, it is not so much self-realization that is important as material gain. Rasim is a fighter who does not know how to stop and give himself a rest. He is constantly on the move, achieving what he wants by any means necessary. Thanks to all these qualities, Rasim can become a successful businessman or politician. But focusing on work can play a cruel joke on Rasim. If this man begins to be haunted by failures, he may lose self-confidence and become depressed.

Rasim doesn’t care much about marriage. He is surrounded by women, but this man is in no hurry to connect his life with one of them. Rasim is haunted by a feeling of insecurity about his own charm. It seems to him that ladies are attracted not by his personal qualities, but by his wealth and status. He can marry only if he is 100% sure of his partner’s selflessness. Rasim is a good husband and caring father. In the family he takes the position of leader.

Name days:

April 8, September 4

Diminutive version

Rasymchyk, Rasymochka


Ras, Mich

According to the church



  • crimson
  • white


  • Saturn


  • fire

Stone talisman

emerald, cat’s eye





Totem animal


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