Origin of the name Rashid
The male name Rashid is a name of Arabic origin. Translated into Russian, it means “reasonable”, as well as “walking the right path.” Sometimes it is translated as “cleverness”, “superiority of mind”, “judgment”, “the most correct point of view”.
The name Rashid is popular among Muslim peoples. It has such synonyms as Rashit, Rashat, Rishad, Richat, Rashad.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Rashid
Rashid is a comprehensively developed personality. He is characterized by such character traits as decency, determination, justice and kindness. He is endowed with creative talents and intellectually developed. Rashid is an educated person and loves exact sciences. He also finds learning foreign languages easy. A man named Rashid is an interesting conversationalist; he has a developed sense of humor. He has leadership qualities and a sense of responsibility.
As a child, Rashid is an independent, inquisitive and gifted child. He loves intellectual entertainment and reading, and plays chess well. Rashid is a friendly and obedient boy. He enjoys learning and does well in all subjects.
Rashid fights for justice and can stand up for an offended comrade. He does not like conflicts and always tries to reconcile quarreling friends. Rashid’s shortcomings may include intolerance of negative character traits in others, as well as some slowness.
Rashid is a persistent and disciplined person. He persistently moves towards his goal and is able to reach professional heights. Rashid endures failures steadfastly and considers them a reason for self-improvement. He is able to captivate the team with his ideas and will make an excellent leader.
Rashid does not seek to gain power and achieve a position in society by dishonest means; it is important for him to preserve his good name. He can become a scientist or researcher. Rashid is a very versatile person. He can express himself in acting or become an artist. He loves sports and can become an athlete. He can also be a translator, architect, doctor, engineer or successful businessman.
Women like Rashid. But he is very responsible about choosing a companion and considers marriage a very important matter, so he tests his feelings for a long time. He rarely makes mistakes in his choice. He chooses a soft but quite energetic girl as his wife. Having married, he becomes a reliable and faithful husband. Being a leader in the family, he listens to his wife’s opinion and tries to be attentive and kind. Rashid sincerely loves his children, he is a caring and good father. Rashid will be a reliable support for his family and loved ones.
Name days:
Diminutive version
Rashidik, Rashidushka
Rasik, Rasha
According to the church
- red
- Mars
- fire
Stone talisman
jasper, Lapp blood
mustard, garlic
Totem animal
horse, wolf