Origin of the name Ramis

The name Ramis is very common in the East. There are different spellings depending on the local dialect. A common synonym for this name is Ramiz. This ancient name has two versions of origin. The first says that the birthplace of this name is Arab countries, where it has the meaning “caressed”, “marked with a sign from above.” Version two – this name first appeared in the Tatar language, it came from the name of the profession “raftsman”, “raftsman”, “raftsman”.

Both of these versions have a right to exist, the ancient name is respected, has not yet lost its relevance, and is considered popular. All bearers of this name have common character traits. They are characterized by calm self-confidence, seriousness and iron restraint. Ramis is an optimistic, cheerful man with a developed sense of humor. From early childhood, he knows the limits in everything, perfectly understands the difference between a bad and a good deed, and never exposes himself to ridicule by others.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Ramis

Ramis’s main qualities are self-esteem and seriousness. Already in early childhood, this boy has a highly developed intuition, and he knows how to listen to it. This gives him the opportunity to never get into stupid and life-threatening situations. To strangers, the boy seems too reserved and serious. But among his friends he is completely different – cheerful and sociable.

At school, Ramis is considered one of the most capable students; he studies with great pleasure. There are no barriers for this student; he masters all disciplines with equal success. Deep down in his soul, Ramis is firmly convinced that the fundamental knowledge acquired at school will provide the opportunity to become successful in adult life. He is a good athlete and enjoys team sports. Classmates treat Ramis with respect and consider him a loyal comrade.

It is important for Ramis to choose the right profession; he likes working with people. A man with this name can become a scientist, philosopher, psychologist, sociologist, journalist, or choose a creative profession. Ramis is not attracted to specialties related to finance. In his career, Ramis is trying to reach heights; he needs to become a wealthy man.

Ramis is very careful when choosing his wife. Frivolous, capricious people do not attract his attention. In fact, he is looking for a good mother for his children. Having found a calm, gentle, kind woman, Ramis will be truly happy. Family is the most important thing in life for him; he loves his children and his wife very much. This man is considered an ideal husband, whose house is always warm, clean and cozy.

Ramis has excellent health, which he maintains throughout his life with gentle physical exercise. He will also teach his children to exercise; morning exercises or running will become a real family tradition for them. Ramis is a role model for his children; together with their father they love to do homework, work in the garden, and travel.

Name days:

not in the church calendar

Diminutive version




According to the church

no options


  • lime green
  • ultramarine


  • Mercury


  • water

Stone talisman

emerald, rock crystal


iron, lead



Totem animal

a monkey

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