Origin of the name Ramin

The male name Ramin has come to us since Persian times and takes its roots precisely in the dialect of the ancient Persians. There is also a version that this name may be of Assyrian and Jewish origin. Today it is widespread in Azerbaijan, but is less common in Slavic countries. Translated from all the supposed dialects into Russian, it has two meanings – “obedient”, “happy”, “joyful”. Every mother, giving a name to her child, wanted to put in it a secret message for the entire fate of the baby. Naming her son Ramin, she wished him happiness, to be faithful to his family, to respect loved ones, and to honor traditions. Ramin may seem like a selfish person who only cares about his own well-being, but in reality, his family is the most important thing to him. There is also a feminine form of this Muslim name – Ramina.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Ramin

Ramin is a man of change. He is constantly in the process of improving himself as a person. He is used to breaking habitual norms of behavior and stereotypes. Thinks outside the box and in a new way every time. In the same situation, Ramin acts differently.

A very insecure person when it comes to choosing something. He never knows what he wants – either marriage, or seeds. At first glance, he is an egoist who doesn’t care about anyone, but he can immediately run to help a complete stranger whom he sees for the first time. Those close to him do not always understand why he acted one way or another, or his motivation. Conflicts often arise on this basis

Ramin has well-developed intuition, thinks correctly and broadly, but in life he does not always act as he thinks. He loves to have a good time, he has a lot of acquaintances and friends, but he has few real friends; he prefers to keep everyone at a distance. He is more comfortable alone with himself; he is a bit of a closed person and cannot fully open up even to his closest people.

It can be difficult for him to work in a team, because he does not like moralizing from strangers addressed to him. Self-love is his hallmark. He is always right and knows best. He got used to relying only on himself and his past experience, and not on what he was told and how he was taught. There is no point in giving advice to Ramin, since he will do everything in his own way, or even not listen at all

Ramin is not the best family man. He loves ease and freedom; chaotic relationships predominate in life. But if he does get married, he doesn’t like to spend time at home. Children are often deprived of their father’s attention. He will choose a very emotional woman with a light character. He may have several marriages throughout his life. Despite his love for freedom, he can be very jealous.

Ramin really enjoys traveling, visiting new places and discovering new experiences. He is interested in the culture of other countries, way of life and traditions; languages ​​are easy for him with proper training. He should be careful with his money, as there is a chance of getting into trouble (no suspicious or tempting investments, gambling, dubious money transactions, etc.). He does not like and does not know how to save for later, for a “rainy day.” He lives here and now, being frugal is not about him.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Ramy, Raminchyk, Ramynushka, Roma, Ramysha, Ramynulya


Rama, Rama, Ram

According to the church

Ramin is a Muslim name


  • Orange
  • yellow
  • brown


  • Луна
  • Mercury
  • Saturn


  • water

Stone talisman

white and clear quartz, corundum, tiger’s eye, zirconium, black tourmaline


zirconium, uranium, olovo


cypress, alder, fern

Totem animal


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