Origin of the name Ramil

Ramil is a male name of Arabic origin, popular among the Muslim peoples of the Caucasus, Tatars, and Bashkirs. In Arabic, the emphasis in the name is placed on the first syllable and in the modern explanatory dictionary of Arabic words it means “quickly walking, hurrying, decorating, weaving” and is considered permitted for those professing Islam.

There are two main versions of the origin of the name. The first of them is from the ancient Arabic name Rami, which means “shooter, thrower, thrower,” then Ramil takes on the meaning “sharp shooter.” The name is associated with the Islamic tradition – the “rami-l-jamart” ritual, when during the hajj, like Ibrahim, believers throw stones at special pillars – jamarat, simulating the beating of the shaitan.

The second version is the origin of the name Ramil from the female name Ramila, which translates as “sandy soil, desert.” The name is associated with the popular method of fortune telling by sand “ilm ar-raml”, when a handful of earth, pebbles or sand is thrown up and an attempt is made to interpret the resulting drawings. According to this version, the name means “sand seller, sand fortune teller, soothsayer, sorcerer.”

The meaning and characteristics of the name Ramil

Phonosemantic analysis of the name Ramil characterizes its bearer as a good, proud, brave and majestic man. The letter analysis speaks of Ramila as a self-confident, domineering, strong, hardworking, caring person, capable of analysis and logical thinking. At the same time, he is not alien to impressionability, peacefulness, artistry, and even pettiness and suspiciousness.

As a child, Ramil is a cheerful, energetic, active child, curious and inquisitive, brave and active. The boy is a leader among his friends, he is able to come up with a game and captivate everyone with it. Ramil is truthful and is offended by lies. For Ramil, at any age, it is important to hear words of support and approval of his actions. The child’s nervous system is constantly under tension due to the large amount of information and irrepressible energy. It is important to choose a sport he likes in order to splash out excess energy and relieve tension. This could be swimming, gymnastics, football or martial arts.

Adult Ramil values ​​harmony, order, beauty, new experiences, values ​​everyday comfort and material stability. The bearer of the name is selfless, friendly, witty and charming. He has many friends of the same mentality and character as himself. Ramil is an intellectual, a pedant, all his actions are logical, rational and consistent. It easily adapts to any circumstances. Independent and quick to make decisions, values ​​independence and freedom.

Ramil chooses a business for himself for which he feels capable. It is important for him to prove himself, to achieve success; he takes failures very hard. Routine is not for him, he prefers dynamics, so he often chooses a profession related to business trips and creativity. Makes a career easy.

Ramil is a strong personality, he enjoys authority and respect, others listen to his opinion, they come to him for advice. He is a leader, ideological inspirer, generously shares his knowledge, skills, and life experience.

Among Ramil’s negative qualities, it is worth mentioning a tendency to demonstrative behavior, excessive emotionality, ardor, aggressiveness, and a tendency toward despotism. His love for material wealth can make him a selfish intriguer; he will bend before those above him and assert himself by humiliating those who stand below him. On the way to the goal, he may neglect morality and law.

Ramil is a sexy, sensual, romantic, but shy man. With age, self-confidence and one’s masculine attractiveness takes precedence over modesty. Ramil is popular with women. He himself prefers faithful, beautiful, gentle and flexible girls and is faithful in relationships. The bearer of the name is very jealous.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Ramilchik, Ramilushka, Ramiluchka, Ramushka, Ramochka, Ramonka, Ramchik


Rami, Rama, Ramka, Ramilka

According to the church



  • gray


  • Saturn


  • land

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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