Origin of the name Raisa
The female name Raisa has several origins. According to the first version, it comes from an ancient Greek word translated as “light, frivolous, careless.” According to another, the name Raisa is a truncated form of the Greek name Iraida, which means “heroine.” From Arabic, “raisa” is translated as “boss”. Fourthly, the Serbian name Rajica is a shortened version of the names Radmila or Radoslava. Finally, the name allegedly comes from the name of the area Raifa, located in the Arabian desert. In the Tatar language there are synonymous names: Rashida, Raisya.
The patroness of women bearing this name is the martyr Iraida of Alexandria. Until the 19th century, the name Raisa was common only among monastics. After the Bolsheviks came to power, it became associated with the word “paradise” and gained popularity. In the second half of the 20th century, it began to be used only in rural areas. In 2000, scientists noted only isolated cases of use of the name Rais in Russia.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Raisa
Raya grows up as an obedient but active child. Raisa idolizes her father, although she has a calm and friendly relationship with her mother. Teachers praise the girl for her inquisitive mind and talents, for her unconventional thinking. She achieves excellence in everything: she usually graduates from school with honors. It is for these reasons that Raisa has many enemies in her team.
She knows how to find true friends, communicating with them brings her pleasure. However, they note that the woman is making attempts to manipulate them. Among her circle there are more men, since she does not trust the weaker sex. This self-confident woman is very vindictive, so it is better not to be at enmity with her. Raya has masculine character traits: she is firm and principled. Some are put off by her despotism: Raisa loves people to obey her unquestioningly. Although she treats others kindly and is an interesting conversationalist. Since childhood, she has been adamant in her judgments and assessments. Raya is hard-working. She is a committed and organized employee. A careerist by nature, Raya often occupies leadership positions. Colleagues love her for her excellent organizational skills. Raisa has many hobbies that also bring her income.
In sexual relationships, she is liberated and shameless. Raisa treats men aggressively, although this does not repel them. Before marriage, she often has several partners at once. Raisa is honest down to the smallest detail with her husband, with whom she creates a strong marriage for the rest of her life. The woman assumes the role of leader in the family. For children, Raisa is an emotionless and strict mother. To outsiders, the woman will seem domineering and demanding, but the children know how selflessly she loves them. Raisa often gets sick, so she needs to protect herself from hypothermia, and she should also monitor her vision.
Name days:
September 18, October 6
Diminutive version
Raisochka, Raisonka, Raisushka, Raechka, Rayushka, Rayulya, Rayunya, Rayusya
Raiska, Rayka
According to the church
- gray
- Mercury
- land
Stone talisman
tin, electrum
pine, tulip
Totem animal