Origin of the name Radik
Radik is a less common name with several versions of its origin. According to the first version, it is a diminutive form of the Greek name Radium, which can be translated as “ray of the sun.” According to the second, it is associated with the Arabic name Radif, meaning “younger”. Finally, the name seems to have a Slavic root -rad-, meaning “joy”, “happiness”, “contentment”. Some generally consider this name to be a short form of the names Radomir, Radoslav, Rodion. According to the most unpopular version, it came from the name Radiant. The latter is common in the UK, but has Latin roots, meaning “radiating”. On the territory of Russia, the name Radik is more often found in the republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Radik
A child with this name is very active, constantly getting into some kind of trouble. Parents have to make efforts to direct his energy in the right direction. He is stubborn: having decided something, he will always go to the end. Radik is a neat and fastidious boy. He doesn’t need to be forced to tidy up the room for a long time: rather, even he will reprimand the household for a slight mess. He studies satisfactorily, the main reason for this is restlessness. Teachers have to constantly interest him, and if this is not done, then Radik may not even attend lessons. Radik is a sociable boy. His friends respect him for his firmness and loyalty to his word. He was the main ringleader in the company of the yard boys.
Radik chooses a specialty based on his liking, and not on prestige. He is always passionate about his work, infecting his colleagues with enthusiasm. More often than not, he does not reach career heights, but if he succeeds, then the love of his subordinates is guaranteed.
This man is always surrounded by representatives of the fairer sex, disarming them with his sincerity and fun. Radik is every woman’s dream, because he is a wonderful family man. Throughout his long married life, he manages to maintain romance in his relationships. He always helps his wife, not disdaining to perform “women’s” duties around the house. Radik’s wife should not contradict him, otherwise he may quickly explode. Children under any circumstances are his pride. Radik takes their physical education very seriously.
Radik himself has loved outdoor sports since childhood, but does not achieve great heights in them due to impatience. His parents have to force him to study in classes because he quickly loses interest. He is an ardent opponent of alcohol, although he can sometimes smoke. At a more mature age, he needs to pay attention to the state of the cardiovascular system.
Name days:
Diminutive version
Glad, Glad, Glad
According to the church
- yellow
- Sun
- water
Stone talisman
cedar, ginger
Totem animal