History of the origin of the name Prokhor

The name Prokhor originated in Ancient Greece and from Greek it is translated as “singer”, “choir manager” or “leader”.

The first mention of the name Prochorus appears in the New Testament – it was called by one of the apostles from the seventy. In addition to the Testament, the name of the founder of the Diveyevo monastery for women was Seraphim of Sarov.

The name Prokhor is both Catholic and Orthodox and is mentioned in the corresponding calendar. Catholics celebrate the day of the angel named after April 9, and Orthodoxy has several such dates.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Prokhor

Prokhor is active, strong-willed, purposeful, restrained, emotional, but knows how to manage emotions. He controls himself perfectly in any situation. He does not tolerate loneliness; he feels equally comfortable in the company of acquaintances, strangers or close people. From the outside it looks solid and important.

Along with positive qualities, Prokhor has a pronounced character trait: stubbornness: he often acts as a provocateur in difficult situations, causing conflicts and quarrels with others. Prokhor is a proud man and sometimes shows hostility and envy towards more successful people.

As a child, the owner of the name grows up as a brawler, causing trouble for himself and others. As he grows up, he settles down and directs all his energy to important matters or achieving goals. But even at a conscious age he is excessively hot-tempered, in anger he resorts to assault, and after some time he is able to beg for forgiveness on his knees and regret what happened.

Prokhor has problems with alcohol. If you do not stop drinking alcohol at a young age, by the age of 30 this addiction results in alcoholism.

Prokhor’s wife is beautiful, well-groomed, spectacular, so throughout his life he never ceases to show painful jealousy, thereby consistently provoking scandals in the family.

For all family members, he is an unshakable authority, who is feared, listened to, and the last word always remains with him. Otherwise, he is an easy-going husband, an affectionate and attentive father.

He takes his work responsibly, he has golden hands and in the team he is known as a craftsman and master. Finds its place in medicine, construction, pedagogy, and artistic fields. If Prokhor manages to choose a profession to his liking, then achieving great success in this direction will not be difficult for him. On the way to finding “his place,” he is able to go through a bunch of different professions.

In business, along with a rapid take-off, there can be an equally rapid fall, which in one second turns all plans and results into a disastrous collapse.

Due to the constant suppression of his emotions, Prokhor’s nervous system is depleted and entails stress, depression and nervous tics, so he cannot forget about relaxing at sea, walking in the fresh air and a healthy lifestyle.

Name days:

January 17, January 28, February 23, April 24, August 10, October 8, October 11

Diminutive version

Prokhushka, Proshenka, Proshechka, Sniffy, Pronechka


Proha, Prosha, Proshka, Pronya, Pronka

According to the church



  • Orange


  • Pluto


  • water

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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