- The meaning and characteristics of the name Polina
- Character traits of the name Polina
- Polina’s family and love relationships
- Choice of profession, business, Polina’s career
- Polina’s health
- Name Polina for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
The meaning and characteristics of the name Polina
Polina is the image of a crystal clear woman, comparable to a wildflower, she is filled to the brim with the Russian spirit. Soft and supple, which makes it even more feminine. Her life is spent in constant troubles, her care is enough for several generations. Young, beautiful, well-groomed, regardless of age, she only blossoms over the years, preferring to choose younger men and match her beauty.
She is decisive, active, from the outside she seems overly proud, unapproachable and with inflated demands, but in fact she is not like that. Inside, Polina is modest and a bit of a coward.
It will not be difficult for her to find a common language with people, and even in an unfamiliar company, she has the ability to support any topic of conversation and feels relaxed. All his life he strives for success, forcing himself to meet the right people or start something new. But he treats new things with caution and caution, but over time he gets used to it. She tends to lose her temper when people don’t agree with her opinion, but she absolutely does not know how to argue and conflict.
Among her friends, Polina is friendly, selfless, open and balanced. If you ask for help, he will not refuse, even if this help is to his own detriment. I am ready to listen, understand the person, hug, and if necessary, cry together. She knows how to be harsh and throw out accumulated emotions in a rather rude form, which she later regrets and considers herself wrong.
Polina is an intellectual who knows how to properly present herself to society. She is prone to self-criticism, self-examination and self-criticism. She doesn’t trust her intuition, as it often lets her down, so Polina relies only on her own mind and experience.
Overly excitable, funny, everyone would like to see such a person as a friend.
Character traits of the name Polina
Polina’s character is not simple. She has patience, is not demanding of others, but is overly demanding of herself. Polina tries to keep abreast of all events, follows new products, especially in fashion, loves books, theater, performances, and music.
Polina evaluates her abilities as highly as she evaluates the abilities of others low. She loves to criticize, so only those who have achieved unprecedented success or who are very dear to her can receive approval from her.
Absolutely not sentimental, but melancholic in search of soothing the soul with worldly beauty. Capable of admiring nature, animals, children, situations – everything that evokes a feeling of tenderness. Overly serious, but uncontrollably cheerful. He lives not by everyday life, but by society, but he doesn’t neglect the house either, managing to do everything and everywhere. Everything is burning in her hands.
Polina often puts on a mask of indifference, which makes her character even more contradictory to those around her. Only those people who are often close to her are able to understand Polina and predict her actions.
Polina’s family and love relationships
Polina does not show her feelings, her demands on the opposite sex are too high, so it is difficult for her to find a partner.
In marriage, she is the support of the whole family. She is very caring, gentle, tactful, and is not the head of the family, easily giving this title to her husband, although she enjoys authority among the children. The family listens to her. Polina organizes her life correctly, making it easy and not burdensome.
Dreaming of success and a grandiose career, he can easily say goodbye to his dream and choose the comfort of home, love, care for children and husband, if he falls madly in love.
She is the best mother, she works a lot with her children, raises them and teaches them, without allowing herself to raise her voice or show accumulated fatigue. He enjoys going to parent-teacher meetings and loves to talk about children with teachers.
For Polina, sex cannot be separated from love. She needs it not for health, but as a continuation arising from feelings. She is very sexy, she has a zest that attracts and turns on men. She loves variety, but with one partner, she herself is able to introduce innovation into intimate relationships in the form of costumes, dances, and various poses.
In the family, she easily manages to find a common language with her husband’s and children’s friends, she receives guests with joy, creates an atmosphere of warmth that you don’t want to leave. Sociable and charming, witty and friendly, Polina is a beloved and ideal wife, ready to surprise her husband every day, proving her love, and endlessly confess this in words.
Choice of profession, business, Polina’s career
The professional path of the name Polina is thorny. She strives to gain experience, knowledge, broaden her horizons, establish herself in the field of her choice, and achieve spiritual and emotional stability. The profession of psychiatrist or astrologer is suitable for the name Polina, which is directly related to the love of communication and the desire to know oneself.
The barrier to building a business for Polina is her own prudence and uncertainty in every step she takes.
In general, Polina does not strive to work, although from the outside she seems very hard-working and busy. As a first profession, he can try journalism, advertising, or reporting. But, as a rule, one does not achieve success here.
For married Polina, the priority in her work is a convenient schedule and proximity to her family, so that the family routine does not go astray.
Most often, Polina is a creative person, so she is closer to the professions of an artist, actress, singer or writer. Here she gives all of herself without reserve – efficient, collected, calm and conscientious.
In his youth, he often works with children either in a camp or in a kindergarten, as he easily finds a common language with them. She is capable of becoming a good doctor or nurse, but she will not be able to work in this profession all her life, since her creative streak will make itself felt, causing boredom in her chosen profession.
Polina’s health
Polina’s health depends on the time of year in which she was born. Winter Polina has been restless since birth and is prone to gas formation and improper bowel function. Parents need to pay attention to this so that there are no major health problems in the future.
Spring Polina is susceptible to infectious diseases and has difficulty withstanding all vaccinations, so even the slightest runny nose or anxiety in a child for no reason should serve as a signal to parents to temporarily refuse any vaccine.
Summer Polina’s illness is cholecystitis. Sometimes flat feet are observed, and if you consult a specialist in time, then by the age of seven the girl will be an absolutely healthy child.
Vesennaya Polya is susceptible to colds such as acute respiratory infections, flu, and sore throat. In this case, they speak of a lack of immunity, so courses of vitamins, a healthy lifestyle and sports are the girl’s lifelong companions, although it is very difficult to instill in her a love of sports.
Outwardly, Polina is calm, but due to the passions raging inside her, her nervous system is shaken and vulnerable. This is often due to the fact that the girl has problems with diction, due to which she becomes an object of ridicule from others.
In adulthood, Polina is susceptible to skin diseases, including acne, allergies, and various types of skin rashes. The reproductive organs are also weak, and if you do not pay proper attention to them, this can lead to miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, or develop into infertility.
Polina is entitled to a full 8-hour sleep, fresh air and a calm environment. Then she will feel absolutely healthy and nothing will bother her.
Name Polina for a child
Polya is a wonderful baby. A calm, easy-going girl, she communicates and plays with other children, is active and prefers outdoor games. From an early age, kindness is clearly manifested in her as her main quality, to which she remains faithful throughout her life.
He studies well, has an analytical mind and gives preference to the exact sciences. Most often he studies in the humanities due to his emotional maturity. She does not chase grades; for her it is much more important to understand the topic, the subject, to understand it to the end. Praise is obligatory and acts as confirmation of the correctness of her movement.
At a young age, she is ready to stand up for friends, attend noisy events and fun parties. Wherever Polina is, she is the soul of the company, an integral part of it.
Pola attracts everyone with his liveliness, spontaneity and active attacks. Already at school she begins to become fashionable, pretending to be an absolutely fashion-conscious lady. She attends creative clubs, is overly musical, sings well, writes poetry and draws. Often it is the school that predetermines Polina’s future creative path, pushing her to enter conservatories or theater institutes.
Name days:
January 18, June 6, July 9, December 2, December 31
Diminutive version
Polinka, Polinochka, Polyushka, Polyushochek, Policka, Polchik, Polyunya, Polyasha, Polyusha, Linochka, Linushka
Fields, Polka, Polly, Polyukha, Polyakha, Polyusya, Pusya, Lina, Linka
According to the church
Pelageya, Appolinaria
- Saturn
- Луна
- water
Stone talisman
ruby, selenite, topaz
poplar, lotus
Totem animal
whale, swan