History of the origin of the name Pelageya

The female name Pelageya has ancient Greek roots, derived from the female Greek name Pelagio, which in turn came from the male name Pelagios. According to another version, according to Greek mythology, the goddess of love Aphrodite was called Pelagios. It came to Rus’ along with Christianity. Etymologically, the name Pelageya is identical to the Slavic name Marina, which has Latin roots. In the Orthodox calendar there are several martyrs with the name Pelageya – Antioch, Tarsus and Diveyevo. Name Day is celebrated on February 12, April 5, May 17, June 26 and 30, October 21, November 3. The name is very rare because it is complex.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Pelageya

The meaning of the name Pelageya is “sea”, “sea coast”, “free”, “independent”, “proud”.

Pelageya in childhood is a soft, charming, cheerful, kind girl. Everyone around her loves her, at home, in kindergarten, school, on the street. She is responsive and always ready to help everyone. Easy and good to learn. She has creative talents, she dances and draws. Parents need not to miss this moment and send the girl to a specialized school.

Adult Pelageya is soft, patient, with a sense of humor, independent, free. At work, she is loved and appreciated for her responsibility, decency, prudence, and professionalism. But she can be lured to another place of work if she is offered more income; the owner of this name becomes mercantile with age. He always knows what he wants, he can listen to advice, but he will do it his own way. He is deeply worried about failures, without outwardly showing it in any way. She is touchy and does not forgive insults; she can even take revenge by waiting for the right moment. He does not like psychological and physical stress, so he will choose a place of work that will not take up too much time and effort. Can become a musician, art critic, journalist, small entrepreneur, literary critic.

Pelageya is an attractive, enigmatic, even mysterious woman who attracts the opposite sex. For Pelageya, relationships are most important, in first place, and only then work and career. She gets married late, looking for the ideal man for a long time. Spiritual kinship is important to her; she does not pay attention to material wealth. He loves children very much, but raises them in strictness.

Pelageya has many friends, she herself is a reliable, devoted friend, but she prefers a home environment to parties and clubs. Likes to be alone, alone with his thoughts. Her intuition is weakly expressed, but she stands firmly on her feet, easily adapting to any life circumstances.

Her bright life is filled with various adventures, she experiences joy from all sorts of little things, which she never denies herself. Likes to watch sports programs, cartoons, and films on TV. She is not indifferent to flowers; she has a lot of them, both on the windowsills and in the garden. Dresses in beautiful, classic clothes. She looks perfect, stands out from the crowd with her bright hand-made jewelry, loves to wear hats and glasses. Pelageya is squeamish, so she does not go to visit others, but receives them in her home. There are no problems with health, if, of course, you look after it.

Name days:

April 5, May 17, June 26, June 30, October 20, October 21, November 3

Diminutive version

Pelageyushka, Pelageechka, Pelageenka, Polelyushka, Polenka, Polyusha


Pelagic, Fields, Polina, Polinka, Polly

According to the church




  • Mercury


  • land

Stone talisman

emerald, rock crystal




walnut tree, parsley

Totem animal

lark, weasel

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