History of the origin of the name Pavel

The name Paul is a very common male name of Latin origin. Female analogues of this name are Pavel, Paula, Polla. The name gained its popularity among Christians thanks to one of the most revered and famous apostles, Paul.

This male name came to Rus’ from Byzantium at the end of the 12th – beginning of the 20th century and became quite popular in all social groups of the population. In the Christian world, the memory of the Apostle Paul is honored on July XNUMX, and during the year the days of saints bearing the name Paul are celebrated more than XNUMX times, which indicates his popularity.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Pavel

Paul is a name derived from the Latin “Paulus”, meaning “small”, “junior”, “small”, “small”. In Latin families, the son was called the same as the father, but the word “Paulus” was added when referring to the child. There is also a version according to which the name “Paulus” was used to call the youngest sons.

The name Pavel is also popular in other countries. The sound of this name varies in different languages. In English, German and French it is Paul, in Spanish it is Pablo, in Italian it is Paolo.

Character traits of the name Pavel

Pavel has a calm and balanced character. He is responsive, capable of empathy and will always come to the rescue if necessary. Paul inspires confidence. The feeling of selfishness is alien to him. Pavel will never go ahead towards his goal. He always knows how to objectively assess the situation and find the right solution.

Positive traits in Pavel’s character are reliability, kindness, tenderness, and affection. Pavel’s character is harmonious. He combines intelligence, sociability and high morality. Pavel also has developed intuition. He is inquisitive.

Pavel is humble and truly sincere. He is respectful and tactful with women. This is a very charming person. Communicating with him is extremely easy and pleasant. Pavel has a great sense of humor and knows how to joke at the right moment.

Negative character traits can be considered a distrustful attitude towards new people, some isolation, passivity, laziness and excessive severity towards the actions of others. Over the years, Pavel becomes mercantile.

Pavel is a homely person, but loves to travel. He loves guests. At the festive table he behaves calmly and does not abuse alcoholic beverages. But Pavel can be talkative, so it is dangerous to trust him with secrets.

Pavel, however, lacks a little firmness. But he is courageous enough to stand up for himself. Paul strives for perfection in everything. He takes defeats hard and is capable of falling into depression in some life situations.

Pavel’s family and love relationships

Pavel is unusually amorous. In relationships with women, he is gentle and affectionate, and is often sentimental. Pavel is generous with women and does not skimp on gifts. He’s romantic. He also carefully monitors his appearance and manners. Pavel knows how to beautifully look after and charm the fair sex. Developed intuition helps Pavel feel whether the girl will reject his advances or not.

He is vulnerable, so during physical intimacy he needs the woman to understand his desires and meet them halfway. Pavel has a developed aesthetic sense, and he attaches great importance to his surroundings. For him, such details as quiet music, dim lights, beautiful flowers in a vase are important. However, if love interferes with his career, then Pavel will end the relationship.

In family life, Paul needs both spiritual and physical intimacy. He loves his wife with warm and even love, without much passion or madness. His wife must endure his whims, but he allows his wife to command and be the leader of the house.

Pavel can be jealous, but manages his emotions well. He tries to believe and trust his wife. He always helps her with the children and housework. Pavel’s paternal qualities are very strong. He spends a lot of time with children and is interested in their lives.

Pavel endures betrayal with difficulty. He suffers a lot and may become depressed. Having learned about his wife’s betrayal, he can mercilessly break all ties with her. But he himself can cheat without much remorse if his feelings for his wife begin to fade. Pavel often marries for convenience. The later he marries, the happier he is.

The union of Paul with Agatha, Anna, Inna, Dina, Polina, Larisa, Sophia is favorable. And an alliance with Vera, Victoria, Elina, Karina, Elvira can become quite difficult.

Choice of profession, business, Pavel’s career

Pavel can become a good surgeon, a production manager, or a construction foreman. He drives great. However, Pavel is not very good at leading people, or drawing up work plans for the team. Therefore, he is often in the shadows rather than in leadership positions. And he has no desire for career growth, so Pavel is usually just an ordinary employee. But if Pavel became a boss, then he is very strict and demanding of his subordinates.

Pavel has excellent oratory skills. He can speak beautifully. Therefore, he can work successfully and achieve serious success on television or radio. He can become a popular journalist and a good teacher. Pavel can prove himself as a prosecutor or lawyer. Perhaps recognition of his talent in the scientific field or in art. High sporting achievements are not excluded.

Pavel is successful in business. His decency and balance allow him to conduct business smoothly and honestly, avoiding heavy falls. He is persistent and unfussy, so he always chooses the right path to his goal. Pavel is a responsible and disciplined worker. Tries to do any work professionally. Always works hard and conscientiously. In relations with colleagues he is usually reserved, but often relationships with them develop into long-term friendships.

Pavel loves to earn good money, so he is constantly looking for new sources of income. He can become a rich man, having achieved success in his chosen field.

Pavel’s health

Pavel’s health, as a rule, is quite good. His weak points are metabolism and the vestibular apparatus. He also has a fairly weak immune system and Pavel can often suffer from bronchitis and other viral and colds.

All representatives of this name are characterized by quite noticeable phlegmatism throughout their lives, so Pavel rarely succumbs to stress. Pavel may be bothered by eye diseases.

Pavel may suffer from obesity and diseases of the digestive system, since he loves to eat and never complains of appetite. He rarely smokes much. But if he starts smoking early, he will smoke a lot. Pavel is not prone to alcoholism.

In adulthood, he often suffers from varicose veins and has difficulty moving. May also suffer from radiculitis. Sometimes he may have problems with his spine, as he often sits for a long time in an uncomfortable position. This habit can lead to scoliosis or other similar problems.

Name Pavel for a child

As a child, Pavel was a very good and obedient child. But quite painful. He usually refuses the breast early and sleeps restlessly at night.

Pavlik, like all children, loves to play all kinds of games. But they don’t occupy him too much. Pavel is growing up as an indecisive boy, so his parents should help him overcome this feeling, as it can affect his relationships with others, making Pavel unsociable and gloomy.

Pavel is always friendly and calm. Children love to play with him. He is able to empathize and enjoy the successes of other children. If Pavel commits a bad act, he worries about it for a very long time, even if no one scolds him. Loves helping her parents and spending time with her younger brothers and sisters.

Pavel often does poorly at school because he lacks diligence and patience. Moreover, strict punishments almost never lead to success. His calm character also favors laziness. However, if he is interested in something, he becomes an inquisitive and diligent student. In this case, Pavel will be very persistent in his studies.

Pavel likes exact sciences. He doesn’t like to study humanities at school. He doesn’t like learning poetry and writing essays.

Name days:

January 5, January 17, January 23, January 27, January 28, January 30, February 6, February 10, February 16, February 26, March 1, March 17, March 20, March 23, March 29, March 30, April 9 , April 19 , April 29 , May 10 , May 16 , May 31 , June 1 , June 4 , June 10 , June 14 , June 16 , June 21 , June 23 , July 9 , July 11 , July 12 , July 14 , 29 July, August 10, August 12, August 30, September 3, September 5, September 10, September 12, September 17, September 23, October 7, October 8, October 16, October 17, October 21, November 1, November 3, November 5, November 10, November 16, December 5, December 8, December 11, December 20, December 28, December 29

Diminutive version

Pavlyk, Pavlusha, Pavlushka, Pashenka, Pashechka, Pashunya, Pashulya


Pasha, Pashka, Pate, Pashok, Pakha

According to the church



  • red
  • violet


  • Mercury
  • Pluto


  • land

Stone talisman





hazelnut, rowan, aster

Totem animal

rudd, really

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