- History of the origin of the name Olesya
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Olesya
- Character traits of the name Olesya
- Family and love relationships of Olesya
- Choice of profession. Business, career of Olesya
- Olesya’s health
- Name Olesya for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Olesya
According to one version, the name Olesya has Slavic roots and is one of the variants of the name Lesya. The translation of the name is associated with the word “forest” or the combination “girl from the forest”, “forest”. In the modern world, there is another version of the name Olesya – it is written and pronounced with the letter “a” – Alesya.
According to another version, the name Olesya comes from the name of Alexander. Alexandra is translated as “protector”, “intercessor” and is used in Ukraine and Poland.
It is also believed that Olesya is a short form of such names as Alena, Elena, Larisa, Alisa and even a diminutive address for Oleg.
Currently, Olesya is considered an independent name and is used in this form.
Olesya’s name day received its dates in honor of Saint Alexandra and is celebrated on April 2, May 31, June 26, October 18 and November 19.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Olesya
Olesya is very eccentric, capable of committing daring acts, which frightens those around her and those close to her. Unpredictable, today being a quiet girl, tomorrow she may decide to jump with a parachute or go rock climbing. If something doesn’t work out for her, she believes that luck was not on her side – Olesya has no self-criticism. Thanks to this, Olesya believes in herself, in her strength, never loses heart, failures cannot break her.
Olesya is characterized as an eternal optimist; she is able to find something positive and good in any situation. In general, the girl Olesya is not like everyone else, and she herself tries to stick to this image, standing out in society with her bright clothes, hair color, demeanor, life position or strange profession.
For others, she is an open book, she does not know how to dissemble, she says what she thinks, and sometimes without having time to think, she speaks, and is able to share her secrets with unfamiliar people. He is respected in the team and is a person with whom you can talk about everything in the world.
Often he prefers family, raising children and housekeeping to career.
If Olesya manages to win the trust of people in any business, then she achieves incredible success in it. He is distinguished by an analytical mind, the ability to philosophize, and will feel great in the political arena.
Since Olesya talks a lot, society requires her to fulfill everything that is said, otherwise she risks being branded as an empty talker and talker. Therefore, having been in these “titles” several times, Olesya begins to understand that honesty and ambition are completely different things.
Character traits of the name Olesya
Olesya has an overly energetic character, and this energy is so much that it is enough for work, and for family, and for the environment. Ease is also her trait – easy in communication and in everyday life, easy-going.
Olesya is a bright personality, she needs to be visible and at the same time bathe in compliments, love and fans. She herself likes to give compliments, a little “sucking up” in situations in which she wants to benefit herself.
She is reasonable, but words remain words – she can talk about the same love endlessly, but she will easily throw herself into the pool headlong in spite of her words.
She is distrustful, does not fall under the influence of others, knows her own worth, but often overestimates herself and her strengths.
Another obvious feature of Olesya is straightforwardness. She more often hinders her than helps her, since words precede her thoughts, and not always in a correct and polite form.
Olesya does not know how to be discouraged; if she fails, she moves on and does not look back, does not know how to analyze the situation and learn from it.
Family and love relationships of Olesya
Olesya gets married at least once, followed by either a second and third marriage, or simply living together with her other half. The first marriage breaks up for the reason that Olesya often gets married when she is very young, not even 20 years old, and the man cannot give her the care and material benefits that she needs and that she dreamed of while living with her parents. . Divorce endures, falling into depression, and survives it, throwing yourself headlong into work.
The second marriage is always more successful than the first, since Olesya enters into it after a thorough analysis of the first relationship and only with a serious, responsible and strong man who is able to lend his shoulder in a difficult situation.
In general, Olesya is a monogamous person, lives with a family in which she shows all her tenderness and affection. She treats her husband with jealousy, which often leads to groundless scandals.
In marriage she is faithful and devoted, she tries to dominate her husband, but more often than not she does not succeed. She craves innovation in her relationship with her husband and he must be ready for this, otherwise mutual omissions arise, Olesya withdraws into herself and without trying to understand the situation, she can break off the relationship forever.
Olesya is an excellent hostess. Cleanliness, comfort and coziness come first for her. She cooks and bakes deliciously, manages the family budget, takes care of herself – she finds time for everything. She takes care of the children, pays enough attention to her husband, showing care even to his parents, who necessarily live separately from her family. She carries the entire household on her shoulders, values the harmony of family relationships and does everything so that her husband does not feel henpecked.
Sex is very important to her. Olesya needs a husband and lover in one person to satisfy her ardor. In sex, she is temperamental, gentle, affectionate. Requires ingenuity, experimentation, diversity and constant novelty from a man.
Choice of profession. Business, career of Olesya
Everything that suits ordinary girls and women is not interesting to Olesya. She chooses unusual professions, ones in which women are very rare. Olesya can be seen among geologists, sea captains, railway workers, and even in these professions she will continue to remain a graceful and sophisticated person.
It is impossible to convince Olesya of her choice of profession; all persuasion will lead to her quitting her current job and getting another job, which is several times worse than the previous one.
Less often, Olesyas become accountants or engineers. If she herself wants, she can build a grandiose career with maximum effort. He can easily and spontaneously convert a kitchen, for example, into a store, deciding to become a seller of something unusual and rare. There is no use arguing with Olesya. Only after ruin or other failures will she burn out on the idea, considering that she was simply unlucky, and start looking for and bringing new ideas to life.
Olesya’s health
Olesya is in excellent health. Without making much effort, she always remains in excellent physical shape, without resorting to diets or active sports. Always slim, with beautiful skin and strong and healthy hair.
Despite her excellent natural abilities, Olesya loves to go to the gym, believing that there is no limit to perfection. Regular hiking, horseback riding, swimming – she lives by all of this, considering it not even work on herself, but more of entertainment.
With age, problems with the respiratory tract arise, so smoking is not recommended for her in her youth.
Olesya is predisposed to minor, non-chronic skin diseases after 35 years. Caution should be exercised in the sun, when tanning both naturally and artificially.
Name Olesya for a child
Little Lesya is a sweet girl, sociable and open, a little shy, flexible, like an angel. He looks at everything with admiration, naivety and positivity. He grows up as a sickly child and often suffers from colds and bronchitis.
Like all children, Olesya is selfish, especially this trait manifests itself in those moments when her parents do not pay due attention to her in raising her. At preschool age, despite his kindness, he already shows masculine qualities: courage, boldness, assertiveness.
He studies well at school, but does not show a strong desire, over time he stops putting effort into the learning process and leaves everything as it is, letting it take its course. She prefers theater clubs, school events and preparation for them to boring lessons, as she gradually begins to fall in love with herself on stage and with the fact that others look at her and admire her. Strives to be the organizer of these events.
From an early age he knows how to make friends, and comes of age with devoted and trusted people who have already become close. Her circle of friends consists mainly of the fair sex, while men are afraid of Olesya’s independence and rarely decide to be friends with her. Many young people are in love with a beautiful schoolgirl, but they don’t dare tell her about it.
Olesya has musical talent and good makings of an artist.
Outwardly, Olesya is her father’s copy, closely connected with him, prefers to consult and keep secrets more with him than with her mother. But he still takes his character from his mother.
After graduating from school, he has no desire for further studies, but realizing that education will be useful in the future, he goes to college, technical school, and rarely to college. He studies without desire, often giving up completely, or going on academic leave, maternity leave – anywhere, just to avoid studying for so much time in a row.
Name days:
March 22, April 2, May 6, May 31, July 17, October 13, November 19, December 23
Diminutive version
Lesenka, Lesyunya, Lesyusha, Lesena
Lesya, Leska, Lesek
According to the church
- Uran
- Jupiter
- fire
Stone talisman
willow, sea anemone
Totem animal
jellyfish, bull