History of the origin of the name Oksana

Oksana is the Ukrainian version of the female name Ksenia, which has Greek roots and means “stranger”, “guest”, “foreigner”, “traveler”, “stranger”, “hospitable”.

The name is very common, therefore it has a large number of abbreviated and diminutive forms, including: Oksanka, Oksanonka, Oksanochka, Oksanusya; Aksenya, Aksenka, Aksenonka, Aksenochka, Aksinka, Aksinya, Aksyuta, Aksyutka, Aksutonka, Aksyutochka, Ksenia, Ksenka, Ksenka, Ksenonka, Ksenochka, Ksyukha, Ksyushka, Ksyu, Ksyuta, Ksyutka, Oksenya, Oksenochka, Oksinka, Oksyuta, Oksyutka.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Oksana

Oksana’s angel day is February 6th.

Who is Oksana? How did her name get into the Christian name book?

Ksenia (aka Oksana) is an early Christian saint, a deaconess of a monastery in the city of Milas, who distinguished herself by zealous reverence for Christ and devoted her entire adult life to serving God.

As individual historical facts testify, Ksenia came from a wealthy Roman family, but due to disobedience to her parents she was forced to leave her father’s house and look for a better life. Named by her parents after Eusebius, the future saint refused to be forced to marry a man chosen by her parents, and therefore, at the age of 17, she ran away from home with two maids to the island of Kos. It was on the island that Eusevia met Presbyter Paul, who led her to Christianity. After the baptismal ceremony, Eusevia changed her name to Ksenia (Oksana), and a little later moved to the city of Milas in Caria, where she built the Church of St. Stephen with her own money. It was here that Ksenia organized a large Christian community, made a lot of efforts to spread faith in the Lord, and later became a nun. After Prester Paul became bishop in the city of Milas, he appointed Xenia a deaconess. The early Christian saint died in 450 in the city of Milas, which is why she is sometimes called Xenia of Milas.

Character traits of the name Oksana

Of course, no one doubts the fact that the origin of the name and its meaning influence the bearer, so it is not surprising that Oksana (aka Ksenia) is noted for such traits as impulsiveness, perseverance and consistency.

As a child, little Oksana is a rather withdrawn, even unfriendly child who does not particularly like outdoor games, but prefers silent construction of construction sets, games that require peace and quiet. She communicates mainly with female representatives, does not trust her secrets to anyone, because she is afraid that they will be used against her.

Oksana studies without much pleasure, but her innate intelligence helps her succeed in all subjects of the school curriculum without much difficulty.

Oksana is often a very insecure person, so she is easily offended: she immediately takes all hints and omissions personally.

Oksana is not marked as obligatory. Of course, she will do everything she must, but if she fails, she will blame those around her, unfavorable circumstances – but not herself. She is unable to accept any criticism, even constructive, considering it an attack on her own self. If you want to maintain a good relationship with Oksana, do not talk to her about teasing topics, do not try to convince her of anything, because the result will still be the same – resentment towards you for not understanding all the nuances of her subtle and vulnerable soul. This is probably why Oksana does not have true friends or girlfriends: her excessive directness, uncompromisingness and impatience with other people’s opinions turn people away from her.

Oksana is very persistent, often to the point of fanaticism. If she has already decided something for herself, she will consider it a matter of honor to impose her point of view on someone. Convincing her that she is wrong is a great way to make an enemy.

On the other hand, Oksana is a very rational person: she will think a hundred times before making any decision. If you need to analyze a situation, identify all the nuances or undercurrents, contact Oksana. She will cope with this perfectly, but the result will be somewhat pessimistic. Oksana is generally inclined to perceive the world in dark colors: she is convinced that everything that is done is for the worse.

Oksana is direct and uncompromising, she does not forgive other people’s mistakes and mistakes, although she often does not see her own. She imagines an ideal world, not always understanding that it is impossible to achieve this ideal in life, much less demand that someone be ideal.

Family and love relationships of Oksana

Oksana does not have a bright appearance, she is modest and inconspicuous in appearance, but has great ambitions and demands. Oksana’s rationality also affects her choice of partner: she is looking for a man whom she can trust, but who will at the same time provide her with a reliable rear. If Oksana tends to rely only on herself in her work, then in family life she wants her husband to take responsibility for decisions made together.

Oksana is a leader by nature, so she wants people not to object to her and not to question her leadership qualities. She is firmly convinced that a man’s duty is to provide for his family. And if for some reason he fails, then it is almost impossible to build a good relationship with Oksana and avoid quarrels and scandals. Ideally, a woman who bears the name Oksana will find a person who is ready to agree with her even in small things.

Oksana likes it when a man takes responsibility, but before making an important decision, he must consult with her.

Oksana usually builds an even, stable relationship with her mother-in-law without unnecessary sentimentality and emotionality.

Oksana’s only weakness is children. She loves them endlessly, and therefore usually strives to have at least three of her own. She is a good and responsible mother, who, however, is not inclined to allow her children everything in the world and fulfill all their whims. Oksana even approaches raising children with all her inherent rationality.

Oksana does not like household chores and worries related to everyday life. Of course, she will do everything that needs to be done: she will cook the food and clean the apartment – but she will do all this without enthusiasm. If she finds a husband who is ready to do all this work for her, then she will idolize such a man.

Oksana generally pays very little attention to the living conditions in which she lives. Of course, she understands that she must arrange her own comfort, that no one will do this for her, but in terms of repairs, Oksana is very difficult to climb. And it’s good if she chooses a man who is ready to solve everyday problems on his own. If not, then be prepared to see leaking taps, torn wallpaper and last-century renovations in her house.

It is believed that Oksana’s marriage with a man named Arkady, Alexander, Grigory, Vladimir, Oleg, Yuri, Roman has every chance of becoming ideal. Men with the names Ivan, Stepan, Peter or Stanislav should be avoided.

Choice of profession, business, career of Oksana

The woman who bears the name Oksana is smart, proud, even self-confident. She clearly sets a goal for herself and confidently moves towards it, despite the circumstances and those who unexpectedly or not quite appear on the way to achieving this goal.

Oksana is very efficient and hardworking, so she will complete any task, even the most difficult one.

Oksana is self-critical, sometimes even too critical, which results in uncertainty: Oksana is convinced that the work could have been done even better and of higher quality than she has already done.

Before doing any work, Oksana will whine and moan for a long time that life is unfair and only she should do everything, but you can be sure that she will do her part of the work. And he will do it well.

Oksana can be responsible to the point of nausea: she will check every little detail, every moment, but will be confident that she was not mistaken.

Oksana’s difficult character often does not allow a woman to adapt to a team, so a woman often goes to work, especially those related to communicating with people, without much pleasure.

Oksana is very scrupulous, and therefore perceives other people’s mistakes very negatively, but usually explains her own by the influence of ill-wishers or a random coincidence of circumstances.

Oksana’s rationality gives her the opportunity to realize herself in almost any field of activity: she will be a good teacher, a responsible doctor, a good engineer, and a talented athlete. For some reason, Oksana’s creativity doesn’t work out, so she rarely finds herself in professions related to art.

Oksana’s health

Regarding Oksana’s health, thoughts vary greatly: some sources claim that Oksana is very weak from birth, and therefore susceptible to a lot of illnesses, while other resources authoritatively claim that women with this name are noted for their good health.

You can find information that Oksana’s health depends on the time of year in which she was born. Thus, it is believed that “summer” Oksanas are somewhat envious and love to gossip, so their weak points are the eyes and respiratory organs; “spring” are intriguers and selfish, therefore they often suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system; “winter” ones are very kind and compassionate, so they avoid illnesses, “autumn” ones are balanced and straightforward, so problems with the nervous system are possible.

In general, if you believe everything written, then the thought creeps in that nature simply did not create healthy people, but this is not so. Remember that a healthy lifestyle can overcome any disease.

Name Oksana for a child

The name Oksana was very popular in the 50-70s of the last century. Now we are seeing a slight decline in its frequency, however, observing how actively long-forgotten names are returning today, we can assume that the name Oksana will soon regain its former popularity.

The name Oksana is worn by irresistible representatives of different social groups and professions. For example, Oksana Baiul (skater), Oksana Kazakova (skater), Oksana Chusovitina (gymnast), Oksana Fandera (actress), Oksana Khvostenko (biathlete).

Name days:

January 1, February 6, August 26, September 15

Diminutive version

Oksanka, Oksanochka, Oksashka, Sanochka, Ksyushenka, Ksyunya, Syunya


Ksana, Ksyusha, Sana

According to the church



  • gray
  • silver


  • Saturn


  • air

Stone talisman





cypress, immortelle

Totem animal


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