Origin of the name Niyaz

The male name Niyaz has Arabic roots. In ancient times, it had a different form – Niyas, and was in demand in areas where residents spoke the ancient Sabean dialect. The name Niyaz has many meanings, including “necessity”, “gift”, “gift”, “desire”, “mercy”, “prayer”. When a boy is given the name Niyaz, it is believed that this child will be a real gift from God to his parents. The name Niyaz often acts as a particle for compound names, emphasizing the benevolent nature of its bearers.

In the East, the name Niyaz is considered a symbol of reliability. The bearer of this name always knows what needs to be done now and in the distant future. The boy, who was named Niyaz, will enjoy authority among his peers from early childhood. When he grows up, he will turn into a man you can always rely on. He has an important goal in life, and he strives with all his might to achieve it, doing it calmly and methodically, regardless of the circumstances.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Niyaz

Little Niyaz is a hardworking and smart child. But his parents will have a hard time with him, the boy cannot be forced, he will not do what he does not like. The best way out is to calmly and reasonably explain to the child why you need to do what is necessary. He will understand and obey, the conflict will be extinguished at the very beginning. Niyaz is a born leader, even at an early age he knows a lot and can do a lot, his peers obey him without any problems.

As a teenager, Niyaz was very interested in reading and enjoyed accumulating knowledge and theoretical experience in many areas. The young man develops a strong desire to earn money on his own. Without any pressure or coercion from adults, he can master some specialty at the age of 14-17.

Having learned to work with his hands, Niyaz begins to understand that he has a different path. He strives for decent earnings, for this reason he chooses the field of activity where his extraordinary intelligence, perseverance and deep vision of the situation will be used. He will have no equal in politics, trade, economics and construction. In any of these areas, Niyaz will make a good career and achieve significant heights.

Many people consider Niyaz to be selfish, but this is far from the case. He is noble, fair, faithful, always ready to do high things for the sake of his loved ones. Healthy egoism, which Niyaz also has, will not allow this person to be used for selfish purposes. He is very conscious about choosing a life partner. Niyaz is looking for an intelligent, beautiful, affectionate, kind woman. For the sake of such a chosen one, he will gladly sacrifice his freedom.

There are no barriers for Niyaz – he always gets what he wants from life. A good job, a beloved family, a faithful wife, smart children, a beautiful home, loyal friends – this worthy man will have everything. To keep all his acquisitions, he should not be tough and selfish. Niyaz needs to be kinder and more responsive to his loved ones; he simply needs to develop these qualities in himself.

Name days:

not in the church calendar

Diminutive version

Niyazik, Niyazushko



According to the church

no options


  • dark green
  • chocolate


  • Mercury


  • water

Stone talisman

emerald, tiger’s eye


uranium, olovo



Totem animal


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