History of the origin of the name Nina

Nina is a female name, the origin of which is not entirely clear even today. So, according to one version, the name Nina has Georgian roots (actually in Georgia it is pronounced as Nino) and, perhaps, is translated as “queen”.

Some researchers are inclined to derive the name Nina from Hebrew, where a word with this phonetic design means “great-granddaughter.”

Another interpretation of this female name is associated with the Greek Ninos – Nin – the name of the legendary founder of the Assyrian state, the husband of Semiramis and at the same time the name of the capital of Assyria.

The abbreviated name Nina is often used to refer to owners of other full names: Antonina, Ninel, Neonila.

The name Nina was quite popular at one time, so it has diminutive forms: Ninka, Ninochka, Ninusya, Ninulya.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Nina

Angel Nina’s Day – December 15, November 19, May 14, January 27.

Saint Nina, Equal to the Apostles, has always enjoyed particular popularity in Transcaucasia, which is why the name was widespread there. It comes to Russia during the reign of Stalin, a Georgian by nationality.

Who is Nina?

Born in Cappadocia, Nina became one of the first Christian educators in Iveria (Georgia). According to legend, the mission of enlightening this country was entrusted to Nina by the Mother of God herself, who presented her with a holy cross made of grapevine.

The sermons of the powerful saint converted all of Georgia to the Christian faith. The relics of Saint Nina rest in a convent in Kakheti.

Character traits of the name Nina

Nina’s character can be described in a few words: independence, perfectionism and pride.

Key character traits begin to appear in little Nina even in childhood: she usually strives to communicate with other children, but in their absence she is able to have a great time alone. Ninochka always knows what toys she took with her, and therefore you can be sure that she will absolutely bring them home, without confusing them with anyone else.

At school age, Nina takes her studies very seriously, completes her homework as accurately and completely as possible, and does not understand truants and freeloaders at all. Don’t even expect that Nina, who has carefully prepared for her lessons, will let you copy a test or homework – she is sure that everyone is responsible for themselves and their actions, so your failure is your problem. It is clear that such facts do not attract people to the girl, rather the opposite.

Nina is a perfectionist: she wants everything to be perfected down to the smallest detail, done not just well, but perfectly. Of course, innate perfectionism brings Nina many problems in adult life, because she demands ideality not only from herself, but also from those around her.

Nina has a keenly developed sense of self-esteem, which simply does not allow her to lag behind, although she does not strive for leadership, because she simply does not like to be the center of attention. She is sure that certain aspects of her life should not be known to anyone.

Nina is a fairly independent woman who does not want her whole life to be visible. She clearly separates family and work, so don’t be surprised when one day you find out that Nina’s work colleague, as it turns out, has children.

Ninochka will do any job well, she is very conscientious and obliging, but again, she also demands full dedication from others.

Usually Nina is a charming, tactful woman who will never say anything unnecessary or offensive. She is smart and balanced, so she does not have the habit of poking her nose into other people’s affairs and does not seek to give advice when she is not asked for it. She can be a wonderful and faithful friend who will never betray the secrets entrusted to her.

Nina is a kind and compassionate woman, always ready to help without expecting anything in return.

At the same time, Nina is noted for her realism, perseverance and perseverance: she does not build castles in the air, but clearly sets a very realistic goal for herself and confidently moves towards its implementation. You can be sure that if a woman bearing this name has already decided something, then convincing her to change her mind will not be easy: you need to select rational and objective arguments that can reach her mind.

Nina tends to describe her life in detail, and if some plan does not work out for her, she becomes angry and unfriendly. Don’t try to give Nina advice or point out her mistakes, citing yourself as an example: they say, you succeeded, but she didn’t, because she did something the right way. By making such a mistake, you have every chance of making an enemy, because a woman named Nina does not forgive someone else’s success, especially if luck has turned its back on her.

Nina’s family and love relationships

Nina’s perfectionism manifests itself in love relationships and family life. Her desire for the ideal often interferes with happiness: Nina does not want to understand that there are no ideal people, therefore we must coexist peacefully with those who exist.

Nina is a prominent girl, so she doesn’t complain about the lack of attention from the opposite sex, but her search for an ideal can play a cruel joke on her here too. Nina changes gentlemen like gloves, finding in each representative of the stronger half some flaws that, in her opinion, will definitely harm a possible marriage.

Nina is proud and narcissistic, so she simply does not notice her own shortcomings. If this overly demanding woman has finally decided on the choice of the man with whom she is ready to marry, this does not mean at all that she is ready to put up with his shortcomings. Even minor family problems or conflicts can drive Nina out of her mind, and she will always blame her husband, mother-in-law, and children as the culprits. Nina will never admit her guilt – she would sooner agree to a divorce than to admit that she is an ordinary person who tends to make mistakes.

Nina is a very impatient and critical person, so she does not see a problem in divorce: it is much easier for her to break off a relationship than to understand the essence of the problem and try to solve it. Having been burned once, Nina is not going to give up on family life: she is ready to make mistakes again and again, convincing herself that this time she will definitely be lucky.

Nina is a caring mother. You can be sure that her children are well brought up, dressed and well-groomed, because a woman strives for perfection in everything. The only caveat is that her children have no right to make mistakes. Nina is sure that they should be not just smart, but the smartest, not just well-mannered or reserved, but the very best… That is why Nina’s relationship with her own children is not at all ideal: over time, they will remember their mother’s every insult, every comparison with girlfriend or boyfriend, being forced to do homework and a complete lack of understanding that children also want to go for a walk and relax.

Happily married Nina is a wonderful housewife. She always has a fresh lunch or dinner on the stove, and her apartment is in perfect order. For the sake of her beloved, even the proud and narcissistic Nina is ready to improve relations with her husband’s relatives. And very often she succeeds, because her habit of calculating every step and foreseeing all possible scenarios in this case only benefits the woman. It is believed that Nina’s ideal marriage is possible with men named Andrei, Orest, Nikolai, Peter, Mikhail. It is risky to build long-term and strong relationships with Igor, Maxim, Yuri and Vladimir.

Choice of profession, business, Nina’s career

When choosing a profession, Nina is guided not by innate inclinations, but by purely material gain, so she will prefer a specialty that will allow her to earn her own bread and butter. Considering the fact that everything Nina undertakes, she strives to do perfectly, it is easy for her to realize herself in any field. What is difficult for her by nature, Nina fully compensates for with perseverance and diligence.

It is believed that a woman bearing this name can achieve success in professions related to exact technical sciences, that is, where scrupulousness and thoroughness are sure to bring results.

Nina most of all strives for independence, which is why a woman often becomes a leader and becomes a leader. Nina’s manager turns out to be very strict and demanding: she will never understand or forgive lateness, untimely or poor-quality work. Striving for perfection in everything, Nina is ready to go into open conflict with her subordinates, but she will force them to do the job properly.

Some resources claim that a fiasco awaits Nina in professions related to creativity and the generation of new ideas, but the list of famous actresses bearing this name casts doubt on this thesis.

Nina’s health

Regarding Nina’s health, the information is very contradictory: some resources claim that Nina is susceptible to arthritis, arthrosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, enuresis, obesity, depression, while others claim that Nina is not sick with anything worse than respiratory diseases.

It is believed that the time of year in which a woman was born affects the formation of Nina’s immunity. Thus, “summer” Ninas have weak bones, so they often suffer from fractures and joint diseases, especially in older age. “Winter” Ninas are susceptible to diseases of the digestive system. “Spring” suffer from stress and gynecological diseases. “Autumn” are marked by a weak cardiovascular system.

All resources unanimously assure that Nina’s weak point is the nervous system, and therefore, as derivatives of stress and depression, enuresis, psoriasis and obesity can develop.

Name Nina for a child

Nina is an interesting and original name, which, however, is not particularly popular now. By naming a child Nina, parents simultaneously instill in him commitment, demandingness towards himself and others, and the pursuit of ideals.

The name Nina was and is carried by irresistible representatives of different age, social and professional groups: Nina Sazonova (actress), Nina Usatova (actress), Nina Ruslanova (actress), Nina Ananiashvili (ballerina), Nina Beilina (violinist), Nina Romashkova (athlete) Nina Simone (singer).

Name days:

January 27, May 14, November 19

Diminutive version

Ninochka, Ninushka, Ninulya, Ninuska, Ninusik, Ninel, Ninusya


Ninka, Ninok, Ninukha, Ninon, Nunya, Nusya

According to the church



  • violet


  • Uran


  • water

Stone talisman



copper, bronze


cypress, violet

Totem animal


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