- History of the origin of the name Nikolai
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Nikolai
- Character traits of the name Nikolai
- Family and love relationships of Nikolai
- Choice of profession, business, career of Nikolai
- Nicholas’s health
- Name Nikolai for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Nikolai
The name Nikolai came to Rus’ from Ancient Greece. This name can also be considered as an analogue of the Old Russian name Nikodim.
In Christianity, the name Nicholas is one of the most common. This name was borne by one of the most revered Russian saints – Nicholas the Wonderworker. The saint is considered the patron saint of travelers and sailors. He could pacify even the elements of the sea with prayer.
Everyone who bears the name Nicholas can celebrate their name day more than one hundred and fifty times a year, since there are a lot of saints with the name Nicholas.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Nikolai
The name Nicholas comes from the ancient Greek words “nikos” and “laos”, which mean “victor” and “people” respectively. Therefore, the name Nikolai can be translated as “conqueror of nations.” And the main test in life for Nikolai is power. Even a little power over people given to Nicholas turns him into a tyrant. He becomes unusually important and unapproachable.
This name is popular in many countries. The most famous variants of the name are Niklas (Scandinavian), Nikolaus (German), Miklos, Nicolas (French), Nicholas, Mikola (Ukrainian). Also popular forms of this name are Klaus and Nils.
Character traits of the name Nikolai
The main character trait of the name Nikolai is self-control. He is very calm and unshakable. Nikolai looks somewhat detached and seems to be observing life, only occasionally participating in events. Nikolai has a contradictory nature. His character combines energy and laziness, kindness and cruelty, friendliness and arrogance. Despite his broad outlook, Nikolai is a conservative, and everything new comes to him with difficulty.
Nikolai is prone to introspection. He has an analytical mind. Nikolai is a very independent person and always makes all decisions himself. However, sometimes he can make very unexpected decisions for those around him, and it can be difficult for people to understand what motivates Nikolai.
He cannot stand deception and injustice and reacts sharply to them. Nikolai does not like criticism of himself and advice about his personal life. He’s secretive. Nikolai is also unselfish, honest and straightforward, and this is sometimes fraught with difficult situations in life. He doesn’t like intrigue. Success in life is achieved by working hard. A developed sense of humor makes Nikolai an attractive conversationalist. In addition, he is always friendly and welcoming to people. Nikolai is a devoted friend, although he has few friends.
Nikolai’s main shortcomings can be considered stubbornness, self-confidence, selfishness and some arrogance. Nikolai carefully hides his shortcomings. Nikolai is prone to alcoholism. And the goal he himself sets, which Nikolai persistently strives for, usually helps to get rid of this passion. He is a fighter by nature, so he can overcome any obstacles on the way to his goal. Only in such a daily struggle is he freed from this addiction. Nikolai must constantly fight; inaction and a quiet life can destroy him.
Nikolai’s life is very difficult. He is not destined for an easy and cloudless existence. Nikolai must overcome difficulties to achieve what he wants.
Family and love relationships of Nikolai
Nikolai is a very amorous and passionate person. From early childhood he was not indifferent to representatives of the opposite sex. Even in kindergarten, this boy loves to communicate with girls because he is interested in them.
If Nikolai likes a girl, he can immediately offer her his hand and heart. Although you can’t call him a romantic. He looks after the girls modestly, calmly, restraining his emotions. Nikolai can appreciate not only the beautiful appearance, but also the spiritual beauty, as well as the intelligence of the chosen one. Nikolai likes women with higher social status, as he is proud. He likes feminine, soft and somewhat plump girls.
Nikolai will definitely marry because he loves women. Having married, he will become more serious and will be a reliable companion in life and a wonderful master of the house. He can do any job. He works at home or in his garden with joy and pleasure. He loves comfort and will help his wife in everything. Nikolai is trying to provide a comfortable existence for his family. He gets along well and is friends with relatives, is always hospitable and loves to spend time with friends. His house is always open to them.
Nikolai is jealous. He begins to boil even from a friendly kiss or hug from his half with male friends. His jealousy can destroy a marriage. Nikolai himself can afford an affair with another woman. But, if the truth is revealed, he will be so affectionate and attentive with his wife that she will have to forgive him for his weakness and passion. Nikolai is very attached to his home and wife. He usually does not agree to divorce and fights for the marriage in every possible way. He adores his children and spends a lot of time with them.
A successful marriage awaits Nicholas with women named: Alexandra, Alla, Zhanna, Valentina, Olga, Tatyana, Tamara, Nadezhda, Yulia and Marina. And with Anastasia, Ekaterina, Elena, Maria, Irina and Lyudmila, he is unlikely to be happy.
Choice of profession, business, career of Nikolai
Nikolay is ideal for the position of manager or systems analyst. Nikolai can succeed in trade, army or politics. He may work as an engineer, mechanic, lawyer, lawyer, doctor or teacher.
Nikolay will work hard and diligently in any place. But being completely immersed in work, he often stops communicating with colleagues, which negatively affects his relationships with them. If Nikolai works as a manager, then he is unusually demanding of his subordinates.
Work occupies an important place in life for Nikolai. He strives to earn good money in order to become a reliable support for his wife and children. Nikolai is physically strong and very resilient, which allows him to work a lot.
Nikolai never tires of learning and improving in his chosen profession. And this affects his rapid advancement up the career ladder. Nikolai is an intelligent, capable and hardworking worker who will certainly achieve noticeable success in his work.
But Nikolai cannot take risks and participate in any intrigues. He is also not recommended to work with finances, for example, in banks. Nikolai can become a successful entrepreneur. His business will flourish because he will make incredible efforts for this.
Nicholas’s health
Nikolai does not really monitor his health, since he has rarely been sick since childhood. Over time, this leads to quite serious problems and deterioration in health. Usually, Nikolai may develop liver and heart diseases, and his nervous system is also at risk. He just needs to avoid overload and follow a work and rest schedule. Nikolai should also watch his diet and get enough sleep.
Nikolai should try to avoid drinking alcohol, since the habit of abusing alcohol can lead him to alcoholism. Also, Nikolai should not be overly nervous, since nervous breakdowns can significantly undermine his health.
Name Nikolai for a child
As a child, Kolya was a healthy, calm child, not used to whims. He feels strong and is active. Nikolai suffers greatly if his parents do not pay enough attention to him.
At school, smart Kolya usually does well in all subjects. He easily copes with any tasks. Kolya is hardworking and inquisitive. However, he does not strive for knowledge, but simply wants to be the best.
Nikolai is friendly with his comrades and always strives to gain authority among his peers. He is even ready to do bad things for this, for example, he can disrupt a lesson. Nikolai’s parents should pay attention to his adventurous actions and try to respond to them in a timely manner so that Nikolai does not grow up willful and selfish. Nikolai has a hard time with good behavior as a teenager, as he strives to become a leader and attract attention to himself by any means necessary. Nikolai’s parents need to remember that in order for the boy to achieve a lot in life, he must be brought up in strictness and should not be pampered, and also encourage bad behavior.
In his youth, Nikolai gravitates towards various adventures. Adventurism in character is combined in Nikolai with an analytical mind, so he easily gets out of all difficult situations. Nikolai only cares about his own opinion on all issues. And with a lack of life experience, this often leads to trouble. Nikolai gradually becomes more secretive. He is straightforward and not easy to be friends with.
Nikolai usually engages in some kind of active sport, for example, martial arts. Sports are mandatory for Nikolai; they will help him become more restrained.
Name days:
6 января , 8 января , 10 января , 14 января , 17 января , 24 января , 31 января , 1 февраля , 4 февраля , 6 февраля , 7 февраля , 8 февраля , 14 февраля , 16 февраля , 17 февраля , 26 февраля , 28 февраля , 2 марта , 5 марта , 7 марта , 8 марта , 11 марта , 13 марта , 15 марта , 20 марта , 22 марта , 26 марта , 18 апреля , 24 апреля , 3 мая , 4 мая , 7 мая , 9 мая , 10 мая , 16 мая , 17 мая , 18 мая , 22 мая , 29 мая , 30 мая , 1 июня , 5 июня , 10 июня , 18 июня , 20 июня , 23 июня , 27 июня , 4 июля , 8 июля , 17 июля , 27 июля , 2 августа , 6 августа , 9 августа , 10 августа , 11 августа , 13 августа , 16 августа , 21 августа , 25 августа , 26 августа , 27 августа , 1 сентября , 5 сентября , 10 сентября , 15 сентября , 16 сентября , 17 сентября , 20 сентября , 23 сентября , 24 сентября , 25 сентября , 26 сентября , 28 сентября , 2 октября , 5 октября , 6 октября , 8 октября , 9 октября , 11 октября , 17 октября , 20 октября , 21 октября , 25 октября , 26 октября , 27 октября , 31 октября , 2 ноября , 3 ноября , 4 ноября , 5 ноября , 6 ноября , 10 ноября , 11 ноября , 13 ноября , 16 ноября , 17 ноября , 19 ноября , 20 ноября , 23 ноября , 25 ноября , 27 ноября , 28 ноября , 29 ноября , 3 декабря , 8 декабря , 9 декабря , 10 декабря , 11 декабря , 12 декабря , 15 декабря , 16 декабря , 17 декабря , 19 декабря , 23 декабря , 24 декабря , 26 декабря , 27 декабря , 29 декабря , 30 декабря , 31 декабря
Diminutive version
Kolenka, Kolyushka, Niki, Kolyunya, Nikusha, Nikolasha, Nikola
Kolya, Kolyukha, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyakha, Kolyasha, Nikolakha, Nika
According to the church
- red
- brown
- blue
- Jupiter
- Mars
- land
Stone talisman
emerald, sapphire
ash, gladiolus
Totem animal
horse, elephant