History of the origin of the name Nikifor

The name Nikofor is of Greek origin and is translated as “victorious.” Unlike the same-root name “Nikolai,” this name is rarely used in Russia, but boys are often called this way in Georgia. The name is found in Armenia, Poland and Greece. The name came to Russia from Byzantium, thanks to the widespread spread of Christianity, it was used often and its popularity gradually decreased. In the twentieth century, this name was considered too old-fashioned and outdated and almost went out of use, but in the wake of the fashion for ancient names, boys began to be called this way again. This name became the basis for the common Russian surname Nikiforov.

In the Orthodox calendar, more than ten saints Nikophoros are used; this name was often taken by laymen when they became monks.

By naming a child this way, parents wish their son a life full of success, self-confidence and a bright destiny as a winner. It is expected that the boy will be lucky in any endeavor.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Nikifor

One of the main character traits of Nikifor is his high speed of decision-making. It instantly calculates the options, analyzes and produces the finished result. And, admittedly, he rarely has to regret the consequences, since he almost always makes the right choice.

Little Nikifor is very active, he is constantly in search of information, he always needs new entertainment. Classmates love Nikifor for his originality of thinking and excellent sense of humor, although his jokes are not always innocent.

Nikifor has no problems with the exact sciences; he cracks any task like a nut, but sometimes it is difficult for him to concentrate on the material. He loves a dry and brief presentation of the material in textbooks, and a detailed lecture by a teacher with examples and explanations can be boring for Nikifor.

At work, he is collected and businesslike, does not waste time on empty chatter and always has a clear plan of action. If Nikifor becomes a boss, he builds a clear subordination structure, distributes functions in the team and demands that his subordinates comply with the work plan he has drawn up. At the same time, Nikifor understands people well enough to understand what to expect from his subordinates and does not overload them.

Nikifor can be unexpectedly timid with women, and can often hide his feelings from a girl he likes for years. Having started a family, Nikifor tries to be an ideal husband, although he does not always cope with his new role. He does not demand too much from his partner, but expects her to develop with him. Nikifor experiences the hardest thing if his companion ceases to be interested in the world and withdraws into the family; he even tolerates adultery more easily than the apathy of his girlfriend.

Nikifor loves his children very much and never regrets the time spent together.

Nikifor often finds himself in creative professions, he loves to travel and is interested in politics. When playing sports, he draws up a clear training plan, likes to predict future achievements, and is confident in his victories.

Name days:

January 26, February 8, February 21, February 22, March 14, March 23, April 17, May 2, May 17, May 21, May 26, June 15, June 29, November 5, November 26, December 11, December 20 , December 24

Diminutive version

Nikiforushka, Nikoforik, Nikishenka, Nikiforka


Nick, Niki, Nikki, Fora, For, Nikishka

According to the church



  • lilac
  • white
  • violet


  • Saturn
  • Луна


  • air

Stone talisman

sapphire, diamond, emerald


lead, zinc


cypress, sedge

Totem animal

grasshopper, monkey, octopus

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