History of the origin of the name Nika
Nika is a female name of Greek origin. In ancient mythology, Nike is the goddess of victory.
The name Nika is used both as a completely independent name and as a shortened form of Dominic, Veronica, Monica.
The prevalence of the name led to the appearance of numerous abbreviated and diminutive variants: Nika, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikushka, Niki.
Name days for women named Nika are celebrated on March 23 and April 29.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Nika
Of course, a person’s name necessarily leaves an imprint on the character of its bearer, so it is not surprising that Nike, named after the ancient Greek goddess of victory, is characterized primarily by such traits as authority, spontaneity, and determination.
As a child, Nika’s parents demand the almost impossible: they try to make her the best in sports, in writing poetry, and in drawing. Since in early childhood and adolescence the girl’s character is quite flexible, she does not particularly contradict her parents. However, having matured, the girl immediately tries to free herself from excessive parental care, and therefore gets married early, considering this step for herself the only possible option for an independent life. Of course, very often such a quick and thoughtless marriage is unsuccessful, but for Nika it is a good experience and a lesson in what not to do.
In everyday life, a woman named Nika is not at all practical: she does not know how and does not like to cook, wash or clean. Nika will only have a successful marriage with a man who can provide her with a strong support so that the woman can be fully realized in the professional sphere.
Typically, a woman named Nika is realized in areas related to communication with people. Niki will make a qualified psychologist, a good doctor or teacher, a talented and purposeful athlete.
Nika is usually a rather selfish and self-obsessed person. If she decides something, she is sure that the whole world must obey her, and her family must support her in everything. Very often, it is the woman named Nika who is the head of the family and is responsible for its financial support. Nika is also quite successful in business, where her determination and dedication play an important role.
A woman named Nika is smart, quick-witted and knows how to make radical decisions. Outwardly, she seems confident and uncompromising, but behind this mask there is often a vulnerable and insecure person, whose mood depends on the opinions of others. Nika does not tolerate criticism. No. Even constructive criticism encounters Nika’s resistance and the critic’s complete lack of perception.
Nika is a rather sociable person, so she is always surrounded by friends and acquaintances. She knows how to carry on a conversation, give good advice or just talk about life.
Nika is a public figure, she strives to be in the center of attention and always be the best in everything. Nika does not tolerate competition, so she loses her competitors harshly and without unnecessary sentimentality.
The name Nika is common in different countries. Its most famous representatives are: Nika (Greek goddess of victory), Nika Turbina (Russian poetess), Nika Rakitina (Belarusian writer), Nika Neelova (Russian artist), Nika Gilauri (economist), Nika Glen (translator).
Name days:
March 23, April 29, May 8
Diminutive version
Nikushka, Nikochka, Nikonka, Nikusya, Nikusik, Nikulya, Nikulka, Nikusha
Nicky, Nick
According to the church
- blue
- Луна
- water
Stone talisman
chestnut, violet
Totem animal