Origin of the name Nicole

The name Nicole was first mentioned in the medieval chronicle of a French abbey at the turn of the 15th century, as the name of the illegitimate daughter of a certain feudal lord and a Roman courtesan. Nicole means “conqueror of nations.”

The name Nicole is certainly of French origin, although in many countries it has its own interpretation in pronunciation. In Germany, for example, this is Nicoletta, in Poland – Nikolas, in Holland – Nikolasina, in Spain – Nikolas. An interesting fact is that the underlying root of the name, “Nike,” takes its origins from ancient Greek mythology, where Nike is the goddess of victory. But the French adaptation added charm and femininity to the name.

Today, it has become popular among parents to call girls names that, unlike Slavic names, do not contain the letters “a” and “i.” These are names such as Michelle, Ninel, Nicole. There is an opinion that this gives the owner of the name sophistication and sophistication, despite the masculine connotation in the sound.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Nicole

As a rule, Nicole falls out of the image of the victorious conqueror. These are touching and gentle natures that will charm you from the first meeting and, thanks to their unusual name, will be remembered by you for a long time. This is an ocean of femininity, charm and sensuality. From childhood, they grow up in an environment of luxury and prosperity, which, of course, has a favorable effect on their appearance, manners and taste. Those with the name Nicole are slightly childish, but not envious and not insidious. They are sweet and easy to communicate with; it is always festive, cozy and interesting to be with them. They should not be confused with frivolous chirps. Nicole always knows clearly what she wants from life, corresponding to her status and position in society.

And yet, a name that symbolizes victory cannot but influence Nicole with its semantic and energetic load. This is clearly manifested in those days of life when Nicole goes on the warpath with her external and internal enemies. Here Nicole is a resilient, fearless and attacking warrior. She will not leave a chance to the enemy and will go to the end. These qualities help her quickly build a career and give her a “start in life.”

In her marriage, Nicole prefers to play a secondary role, voluntarily giving the rod of government to her husband. But she will not rest on her husband’s laurels, but, on the contrary, will become an indispensable assistant and ally. Still remaining airy and touching, Nicole will always make her husband want to protect and care for her. Marriage is the ideal environment to showcase all her talents.

Having become a mother, Nicole will be much more serious, which will come as a surprise to others. She takes great responsibility to issues of hygiene and healthy nutrition for children. These are super moms who dedicate themselves wholeheartedly. In her relationships with children, Nicole creates a climate of mutual trust, sensitivity and sincerity.

When choosing the name Nicole for their daughter, parents should understand that this unusual name should be harmoniously combined with the surname so that it does not look comical. For example, Nicole Petrenko or Nicole Sidorova. It will be better if the root or ending of the surname is of foreign origin.

Name days:

July 13

Diminutive version

Nikolushka, Nikochka


Nikki, Nika

According to the church



  • lilac


  • Saturn


  • fire

Stone talisman

amethyst, ruby





Totem animal


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