History of the origin of the name Nestor

The name Nestor is sonorous, majestic and beautiful. Since school days, everyone has been familiar with one of the representatives who lived in the late ninth – early tenth centuries, the monk and chronicler Nestor. But the name came to us much earlier – from the myths of Ancient Greece. Literally translated as “returning home.”

The myth tells about the king of the city of Pyros, who miraculously escaped after the Trojan Battle. Nestor participated in many battles: the battle with Ereufalion (the famous Arcadian warrior), the war with Augeas (king of the Epeev tribe), the confrontation between the Lapiths and the centaurs, the victory over Intimoneus (hero of Elis). Nestor was an incomparable strategist. He gave practical advice to his soldiers and developed competent tactics for waging war. This contributed to his success.

The hero went to the Trojan Battle following his son Atikhol. He managed to gather a huge army for this. The commander is one of the few who returned after that fierce battle unharmed.

Nestor was an amazing long-liver. According to legend, the god Apollo shortened the lives of his mother’s brothers. Later, he gave the years he had taken to Nestor. The commander lived an incredibly long life—about three hundred years—and had excellent health.

The name is rare for residents of Russia, more often found in Ukraine and Catholic countries. Lately, there has been a lot of interest among young parents in unusual names. There is a possibility that soon we will meet with him much more often.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Nestor

From a young age he is a naughty child. This behavior is not explained by childish whims, but by exceptional stubbornness and defending one’s opinion. A little fighter for justice. Teachers do not like this character trait of the boy and often lower grades for this reason.

Despite problems with teachers, the young man is inquisitive and does not lose interest in studying and learning everything new. Shows best in the exact sciences, history

For his comrades, Nestor is the “leader of the pack.” A ringleader and an adventurer. He will always find adventures and come up with exciting games. Authority among others accompanies a representative of the name even in older age. Friends respect a man for his openness and honesty.

Nestor is straightforward with people, but is absolutely good-natured. He can prove his point emotionally. Even to offend a person with a harsh word, but this is by accident, without malicious intent.

He is diligent and painstaking in his work. May spend a long time thinking about a complex task. He won’t calm down until he finds a solution. One hundred percent is given to work. Offers interesting, extraordinary ideas. Managers value their employees for this. He excels in the professions of lawyer, historian, engineer, and scientist.

Indifferent to wealth. Although it has all the prerequisites for financial well-being. Doesn’t get attached to things. He can lead a rather ascetic lifestyle, acquiring only the essentials. With peace of mind, he gives all surplus to those in need, to charitable foundations, and helps animals.

The representative of the name has strict requirements for his life partner, so he does not tie the knot for a long time. He loves women who are beautiful, bright, with an ideal appearance and an easy-going character. The obvious leader, the head of the family, does not tolerate it when a representative of the fairer sex shows independence and begins to contradict. Due to his youth, he shows frivolity in relationships. When he meets a woman who meets all his needs, he calms down and becomes an exemplary family man. Nestor is a real support, you can rely on him to solve any problem. A wonderful, caring father. She loves children and spoils them.

Name days:

March 13, November 9

Diminutive version

Nesya, Nestik, Nestorchik



According to the church



  • green


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