History of the origin of the name Neonil
The Greek name Neonila or Neonilla was common in the Byzantine Empire. It is glorified by two Christian holy martyrs. Neonilla of Syria, with her husband and 7 children, suffered martyrdom for the faith, three times with the whole family escaping death through the intervention of the Lord. But since then, the beautiful sonorous name has been undeservedly forgotten both in Greece and in the world.
And in Europe the name is considered unique, it is extremely rare even in those countries where the influence of the Orthodox church tradition is strong: in Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, etc. The popularity of a name or lack thereof is also influenced by its famous owners. The more celebrities with a certain name, the more likely parents are to choose that name for their child. But there are practically no known Neonils. Of course, there is a chance that the fashion for rare and unusual names will stir up interest in Neonil, and bright owners will glorify it and cause a fashion for this sonorous and noble name.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Neonil
The name Neonila is Greek and has an unambiguous interpretation. In translation, “neos” means “new” or “young”, “newly appeared”. Neonila’s character is complex, but very charismatic and convenient for modern life. Neonila is the typical Mistress of Copper Mountain: bright, sassy, cheerful, purposeful and proud.
As a child, the little girl amazes everyone with her beauty and artistry, her ability to achieve her goal. It will take a lot of patience to raise Neonila as a deep and thinking person, and not as a dummy. The potential of the name gives the girl strength, determination, talents and vivid beauty. But these gifts, in the absence of proper upbringing, can lead to excessive self-confidence, selfishness and lust for power.
Neonila loves beauty, art, clothes, flowers. It is necessary to support the development of aesthetic taste, because this direction can become a successful profession for Neonila. She studies well, will not allow bad grades, loves to be first and successful. Few friends. He loves to give orders too much.
Growing up, Neonila softens her character a little, more femininity, good-natured fun, and openness appear in her. If he achieves financial success, he will thaw even more: he will surround himself with like-minded people and begin to help more often. She will choose a reliable husband, but she can easily break off the relationship and build new ones. She will not be a hypocrite and lie to herself if she falls out of love. It’s not easy for her husband to be with such a queen – she will have to provide due attention throughout her life, demonstrate her love and success.
Neonila has an extraordinary mind and a sense of humor, and has an easy approach to life. A certain touch of snobbery and pride is just a mask that comes off after her gut instinct approves of the person. Neonila is too self-sufficient a person, which is sometimes perceived by others as neglect. But children love Neonila very much and are drawn to her. She will make an excellent mother or teacher, artistic director of a children’s group.
Name days:
10 November
Diminutive version
Nelya, Neonilushka, Nella, Neonilchik, Nelochka, Neoshka, Neonochka, Nenya, Nylochka, Niluska, Nilusha, Nylly, Neo, Nenila, Neola
Neo, Nela, Nilla, Nilli, Neona, Nelya, Nenya, Nenila, Neola
According to the church
Neonila or Neonilla
- green
- malachite
- Mercury
- air
Stone talisman
malachite, chrysoprase
olive, rhododendron
Totem animal
goat, antelope