History of the origin of the name Nellie

Nellie is a feminine name of English origin. It is believed that the version of Nellie is a shortened form of Helen (Helen) – Elena, Elinor (Eleanor, Elinor) – Eleanor and Ninel or Cornelia.

In Russian, the name Nellie is used as a full name, therefore it has an abbreviated form – Nelya.

At baptism, women with the name Nellie are given a different name – Neonila or Elena.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Nellie

A person’s name necessarily influences the fate of its bearer, character, temperament and habits. The name Nellie is no exception in this regard, in which the features of various names were mixed: Elena, Ninel and Eleanor.

Integrating into the character of one person, different, sometimes opposing character traits contribute to the emergence of a certain explosive mixture. Indeed, Nellie, on the one hand, is calm and balanced, but in critical situations she can become unpredictable and even explosive. Nellie can be both completely prudent and capricious at the same time: it all depends on the coincidence of circumstances.

As a child, Nellie is characterized by significant mood swings: she either cries from resentment, then within five minutes she laughs with joy. The child is very unpredictable, restless, and therefore causes a lot of trouble for parents. Nellie does not like noisy companies, preferring quiet play with dolls or reading books.

Nellie is characterized by a powerful intellect, but very often congenital laziness prevents her from achieving her goal: instead of constantly improving and growing, Nellie prefers to lie on the sofa with a book or watch TV. This is why Nellie has a number of problems during her school years: she seems to be able to study, but she does not attach much importance to learning, hence the poor results.

Having matured, Nelly picks up her head and begins to clearly realize that her happiness is in her hands. She focuses on the main thing, that is, on those subjects with which she connects her profession in the future. Over time, Nellie develops healthy pragmatism and a desire for a comfortable existence, so she begins to study carefully, striving to master her chosen specialty in detail.

Nellie will make a wonderful doctor, a responsible lawyer, and a scrupulous financier. A woman has every chance to realize herself in creative professions, because she has not been deprived of fantasy and imagination since childhood.

Having matured, Nellie perceives everything through the prism of advantage/disadvantage: she will never take up a business if she is not sure that it will bring her dividends. And if he does, then, realizing the futility, he will leave it halfway.

Nelly also approaches her personal life with a healthy dose of pragmatism, so she will never pay attention to a man who is unable to provide her with a comfortable and carefree existence. Nelly believes that it is the husband who is the head of the family, and therefore is simply obliged to support her financially. Nellie herself, having gotten married, treats her work as a place where she can show off new outfits and show off her jewelry.

The name Nellie in different phonetic forms is common in different countries. Its most famous representatives are: Nellie Uvarova (Russian actress), Nellie-Elizabeth Kingston (duchess, English adventurer), Nellie Kim (Soviet gymnast), Nellie Shirokikh (announcer), Nellie Gromova (linguist), Nellie Melba (Australian singer), Nellie Shkolnikova (violinist), Nellie Bly (American journalist).

Name days:


Diminutive version

Ne?lechka, Ne?lyushka, Ne?lenka, Nelyu?sya, Nelyu?ska, Nelyu?sha, Nelyu?shka, Ne?lchyk


Nelya, Nela, Nelka, Nelka, Elya, Ellie

According to the church



  • yellow


  • Mars


  • land

Stone talisman





walnut, freesia

Totem animal


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