History of the origin of the name Nazar

Nazar (Nazariy) is a male name of Hebrew origin, translated meaning “one who dedicated himself to God.” Another version of the etymology of the name suggests deriving it from the Turkish and Azerbaijani languages, where the name Nazar is translated as “gaze” and is considered a traditional amulet against the evil eye.

Thus, the name Nazar is common not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, India, Spain, and the countries of Central Asia.

The prevalence of the name led to the appearance of numerous abbreviated and diminutive variants: Nazar, Nazarchik, Nazik, Nazaronko, Nazartsio.

Men named Nazar celebrate Angel Day on October 27 and November 15.

The patron saint of all Nazars in the Christian tradition is considered to be Saint Nazarius, an early Christian saint born in Rome; beheaded for professing the Christian faith by order of Emperor Nero.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Nazar

Of course, a name necessarily influences a person’s fate, determines his character traits, habits and preferences. The name Nazar is no exception in this regard, the key features of which are peace, tranquility, prudence and compassion.

As a child, little Nazar is a very active child who cannot stand in one place for a minute. The guy loves outdoor games such as football, volleyball. It is difficult to interest him in composing puzzles, lotto, or simply reading books. Nazar as a child is a generous and good-natured child, giving away all his toys, while keeping only one for himself. Nazar strives for constant communication, so the young man is surrounded by friends and acquaintances. Nazar is a good student at school, but he doesn’t see much benefit from studying, so he’s not ready to devote all his free time to it. The guy rightly believes that you should do something that you like, because only in this case will it lead to success.

Usually Nazar lives with his parents until he comes of age, but even after starting an independent life, he does not lose such traits as kindness, generosity and reliability.

Nazar simply radiates goodwill, and therefore is very popular among representatives of the fair half of humanity. But, even not deprived of female attention, Nazar always remains a decent intellectual who does not give empty hopes.

Nazar gets married quite late – after thirty. His chosen one is usually a beautiful, intelligent girl, ready to devote herself entirely to creating home comfort and children. Nazar idolizes his children, considering them the best. However, Nazar’s love for his own children cannot be called blind: if they are guilty, they will be held accountable for what they did. Nazar is very kind, but at the same time fair, and therefore does not tolerate injustice in any of its manifestations. The man bearing this name is an excellent family man who spends all his free time with his wife and children.

Nazar is a purposeful and balanced person, which is why he chooses a profession where he can think carefully before making an important decision. He is usually able to realize himself in medicine, journalism, sports and art.

The name Nazar is common in many countries. Its most famous representatives are: Nazar Kozhukhar (violinist), Nazariy Yaremchuk (Ukrainian singer), Nazariy Ivanov (engineer), Nazar Favorov (theologian and publicist), Nazar Agakhanov (mathematician), Nazar Najmi (poet).

Name days:

October 27, December 9, May 10, June 12, June 17, July 28, November 18

Diminutive version

Nazarchyk, Nazarochka, Nazarushka, Nazaronka, Zarochka, Zarushka, Zaronka


Nazarik, Nazarka, Nazik, Zara, Zarka

According to the church



  • violet


  • Uran


  • air

Stone talisman





barberry, alpine rose

Totem animal

Electric Stingray

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