- History of the origin of the name Natalya
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Natalya
- Character traits of people named Natalya
- Family and love relationships of Natalia
- Choice of profession, business, career of Natalia
- Natalia’s health
- Name Natalya for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Natalya
The name Natalya is traditionally derived from the Latin “natalis”, which means “native”. There is also a modern version of the translation of this word – “Christmas”, “blessed”. However, there is another interpretation of the origin of this popular female name: it is believed that it has a common root with the Hebrew male name Nathan, which means “gifted”. Which interpretation is considered a priority – everyone decides for themselves. When choosing a name for a child, remember that its meaning and origin influence the fate of its bearer.
The most common commonly used abbreviated and diminutive versions of the name Natalya are: Natalia, Natalka, Natashenka, Natasha, Natalunya, Natalusya, Natalka, Natashka, Nata, Natka, Natalie; Talya, Talonka, Talochka, Tasenka, Tasechka, Talka, Tata, Tusya, Tusenka, Tusechka and many others.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Natalya
Natalia’s Angel Day is September 8 (August 26).
The Holy Great Martyr Natalia was the wife of the Holy Martyr Adrian of Nicomedia, who was a judge of the first Christians, but was imbued with their faith and himself became a Christian. The emperor, as punishment for this act, arrested him and imprisoned him, where Adrian died in agony for the faith of Christ. Natalya, already a Christian, supported, consoled and encouraged her husband until his death. Natalya herself died at her husband’s grave in Byzantium and was buried next to him (IV century). This married couple – Andrian and Natalya – despite the fact that they were married for only one year, are considered the patrons of a long and happy marriage.
Character traits of people named Natalya
Of course, the meaning of a name and its origin influence a person’s life path, so it is not surprising that Natalias are kind, sympathetic people, cheerful, active, lyrical and friendly. But not everything is so simple, because the name Natalya is associated with many contradictions. Women who wear it are noted for their great willpower: if Natasha has already decided something, then getting her to change her mind will be not just difficult, but almost impossible. These are very active and creative people, always ready to create something new and original. Natalya is creative, self-confident, even somewhat self-confident, so you can often feel superiority on his part over the interlocutor, especially when she is confident that she is right.
Little Natashas are often stubborn, quite straightforward and proactive, and their activity is multifaceted: they are ready to both do something useful and do something useful. Natasha is distinguished by great imagination, which often leads to a loss of reality. They are gifted, intelligent, and both the humanities and the exact sciences are equally easy for them. During her school years, Natasha was often an excellent student or almost an excellent student. Natalias are often sanguine, well-balanced, sensible and forgiving.
Natalyas are very vulnerable women, so any insult immediately affects their mood. Of course, over time, Natasha will learn to wear a mask, but vulnerability is a trait that she will carry throughout her life. Natalia is very easy to offend, and therefore be very careful with these women: they quickly forgive the offense, but remember it throughout their lives. And you will never know for sure when she suddenly remembers that she was offended at one time and decides to take revenge.
It is not uncommon for women to bear the name Natalya. They seem frivolous and frivolous, but all this is just an illusion, a hidden strategy for achieving completely pragmatic and real results.
Natashas love to visit, but at the same time they themselves are noted for their hospitality: they always have something interesting in store for unexpected guests.
Natalya is a materialist, loves money and is a supporter of various intrigues. Natalya is always a naughty girl and a leader. Her favorite atmosphere is a noisy company, filled with fun and flirtation.
Family and love relationships of Natalia
Young Natalias are charming and attractive. They are well aware of this fact and skillfully use it. Natashas usually get married early, guided not by practicality or commercialism, but solely by intuition, which allows them to build a strong and long-lasting marriage. In the family, Natalya almost immediately becomes a leader, although she does not particularly strive for this. No decision is made without her consent. Women with this name are proud, they never admit their guilt, and therefore do not expect an apology from them, even when they are wrong. Natalia has extremely developed pride, which requires constant feeding, so praise them, sing their praises, idolize and praise them – and Natalia will move mountains for you.
Natalias are usually good housewives, so they know how to cook, sew, and embroider. They are good mothers, capable of sacrificing everything for their children. They manage to establish good relations with her husband’s family, but only on the condition that they never forget that Natasha cannot stand criticism.
Natalya can count on a successful and strong marriage with Alexander, Andrey, Boris, Vladimir, Oleg, Yuri. Most often it ends in failure with Vladislav, Grigory, Zakhar, Nikita and Stepan.
Natalia loves gifts very much. And it is unknown what they prefer more – to choose or to give. Natasha gets great pleasure from both one and the other.
Choice of profession, business, career of Natalia
At work, Natalya always relies solely on herself, on her capabilities. These are very efficient and hardworking women who, however, do not tolerate criticism. No. Neither constructive nor destructive. If you want Natalia to be as useful as possible at work, praise and encourage her more often. From praise, even insignificant, Natalya grows wings, and she is ready to turn the world upside down in order to complete the task. But hearing criticism addressed to her, Natasha desperately defends herself, not forgetting that the best defense is an attack. Therefore, think carefully before criticizing her, especially in public, because you risk hearing a lot of interesting and not entirely pleasant things about yourself.
Natalyas are noted for their remarkable intuition, so they will never take on a task that they do not like. If Natasha did not succeed in something, then she will never make a tragedy out of it, but will try to learn from her own mistakes and not get into such trouble again.
Natalyas are ready to work hard, but at the same time they are marked by colossal inattention, which is explained not by laziness or lack of motivation, but by the desire to achieve results as quickly as possible.
Very often, Natalia’s work is related to social activities and teaching, that is, she is most effective in those areas where cooperation with people is required. Natalya is pragmatic, and therefore wants to see the results of her activities. If they are not there, she gives up and loses all desire to work, which is often mistaken for banal laziness.
Very often, women with this name become actresses, artists or representatives of other professions related to art.
Natalyas are sensual, creative, but at the same time rational natures who are able to realize themselves in any field; The main thing is not to waste your talent on trifles and not to strive to realize yourself in different industries at the same time, but to clearly set goals and confidently move towards them. Natalya will always be successful in any endeavor: she will make a wonderful actress, a good scientist, a deep researcher, a talented teacher, an extraordinary businessman, a smart engineer, and an attentive doctor. The only caveat: it is unlikely to be successful in trading.
Natalia’s health
As for health, there is no clear information on this matter. Some resources claim that Natasha is distinguished by excellent health until old age, others attribute numerous ailments to the unsurpassed bearers of this name.
Thus, the overwhelming majority of information resources convince us that Natalya is mentally stable, balanced women who are not so easily enraged. At the same time, information is widespread that Natasha is prone to hereditary diseases, cardiovascular diseases, problems with the lungs, stomach and even kidneys. Almost all sources note the presence of farsightedness or myopia in Natasha, which affects her in early childhood.
Moreover, some websites report that Natalya’s health directly depends on the time of year in which she was born: “winter” Natalyas are prone to problems with bronchi and allergies, while “spring” Natalyas have problems with joints.
Name Natalya for a child
Natalia is a name that will never go out of fashion and will always be relevant. Agree that this name represents both different age categories and is characteristic of women with different professional inclinations and personal qualities. It is timeless, international and sounds equally beautiful in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Belarusian, German, French or English.
Natalya is a name that was borne by famous women of different eras: Natalya Kirillovna – queen; Natalya Fonvizina – wife of the Decembrist; Natalya Goncharova – wife of A. Pushkin; Natalya Bessmertnova – ballerina; Natalya Durova – circus performer; Natalie Portman is an American actress; Natalya Godunko is an athlete.
Name days:
January 11, March 22, March 31, September 8, September 14
Diminutive version
Natochka, Natalochka, Natashenka, Natashechka, Natushka, Natulya, Natunya, Natusya, Nataliushka
Nata, Natasha, Nataha, Natalie, Tasha, Nasha, Tusya, Talka
According to the church
- scarlet
- Mercury
- Mars
- water
Stone talisman
sapphire, turquoise
azalea, bloodsucker
Totem animal