History of the origin of the name Nailya
Naila is an ancient Arabic female name, one of the few surviving from the pre-Islamic historical period. “Naila” is the name of one of the pagan idols worshiped by the ancient Arabs. At the same time, there is an Arab legend that Allah turned the mortal girl Naila and her lover Isafa into stone statues as punishment for adultery in the Kaaba (a sacred building for Muslims) and as a warning to other believers. At first, these statues served to confirm the power of Allah, and then the pagan Arabs, who did not convert to Islam, began to worship them as ancient idols.
The name Nailya, with an emphasis on the first syllable, is translated from ancient Arabic as “achieving a goal, achieving, receiving, winning, acquiring,” as well as “benefit, gift, gift.” The name is derived from the verb “nalya”, meaning “reached, received, acquired.” The masculine form of the name “Nail” means “gift, gift, worthy of a gift, recipient, achieving success.”
The name Naila was borne by one of the wives of the third caliph Uthman bin Affan and many companions, but neither the Prophet Muhammad nor other Muslims changed their names. Therefore, among adherents of Islam, the name Nail is considered good, despite its connection with the pre-Islamic religion.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Naila
The emotional reaction to the name Nailya associates its bearer with the following definitions: good, broad nature, bright, simple, strong, beautiful, safe, trustworthy, bright, majestic, joyful, brave, decisive, capable of much.
The meaning of the letters of the name characterizes Nailya as a critical, ambitious, intelligent, domineering, strong personality with a logical type of thinking. At the same time, endowed with impressionability, artistry, intelligence, creative spirit and peacefulness.
Nailya is distinguished by her determination and ability to overcome obstacles. She always has a lifelong dream, big and important.
Little Nailya is calm, inquisitive, obedient. She respects her elders and never contradicts her parents. Enjoys reading and other quiet activities. Since childhood, Nailya understands that nothing comes without difficulty and requires effort. Thanks to the desire for new knowledge, the girl is an excellent student, erudite, and ambitious. Naila has an excellent memory and systematic thinking. She early acquires the ability to learn from other people’s mistakes and understand the motives of other people’s actions, understands what is good and what is bad. Nail’s character begins to show in adolescence: leadership qualities, sharpness, and emotionality appear.
With age, ardor goes away, balance returns, the ability to forgive and talk through problems. Naila has a developed talent as a psychologist, she understands people, knows how to explain their actions and feelings, and finds an approach to any interlocutor. The owner of the name is strong with her feminine weakness. This woman takes life seriously and plans it thoughtfully. She is honest with others and herself. Honors law and morality. Nailya is principled, reasonable, pragmatic, and does not like changes, adventures and risky undertakings.
A penchant for systematic, logical thinking, developed intelligence and a desire for knowledge allows Naila to achieve success in science, and her talent as a psychologist – in pedagogy and psychology. The owner of the name is persistent, persistent, hardworking.
Nailya takes love seriously. She is not prone to frivolous flirting or casual romances. For this woman, it is important to build a serious relationship with a worthy person, reliable, successful and wise. Family is a priority for the owner of the name. She does a lot for the physical and mental comfort of her loved ones.
Name days:
Diminutive version
Nailechka, Nailyushka, Nailenka, Nailchik, Ilechka, Ilyushka, Ilenka
Nailka, Ilya, Ilka, Ilchik
According to the church
- blue
- Jupiter
- air
Stone talisman
Totem animal
Wana dhambi