Origin of the name Nadezhda

The name Nadezhda does not need translation; it literally means hope, aspiration. The form of the name is borrowed from the name of the Greek Christian martyr Elpis – Nadezhda. According to legend, three Christian sisters Faith, Hope, Love (Pistis, Elpis, Agape) were tortured in front of their mother as punishment for following the religion of Christ. The names of the martyrs correspond to the basic Christian virtues, so they became widespread among the people.

In Rus’, the Old Church Slavonic version of the sound of the name Nadezha is known.

As a personal name, the modern form took shape in the 9th century, when liturgical books began to be translated from ancient Greek into the accepted Church Slavonic. A peculiarity of the treatment of the names of the sisters was that they were copied, while the majority of Christian saints remained with their original names.

Until the 18th century, the name was not popular; only with the wave of patriotism and the growth of national Russian self-awareness, caused by the reign of Empress Elizabeth, did native Slavic names become in demand.

The short form “Nadia” became a loanword and gained popularity in some European languages.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Nadezhda

The name Nadezhda gives its owner a charge of endurance and patience in anticipation of the best. Energy imparts to a woman qualities of firmness and confidence, which begin to manifest themselves from childhood. At the same time, Nadezhda has a reserve of patience, although sometimes she shows stubbornness and excessive concentration.

A distinctive feature of such women is faith in the best, optimism and a bright character. Those around her cannot always appreciate the deep emotional inner world of Nadezhda, since she tries to hide them inside, allowing only violent passions that she simply cannot control to break out. She herself does not recognize her emotionality, getting used to the restrained image.

These women are hardworking and optimistic; they are confident that with their perseverance and perseverance they can move mountains for the benefit of a bright goal. At the same time, the bearers of this name are responsive and friendly, sincerely trying to avoid evil.

However, pent-up emotions can sometimes spill over into passionate obsession. The lack of sound control can lead to rash actions, because of which Nadezhda will then suffer unbearably. Therefore, in her youth, Nadezhda is faced with two destructive extremes: depression or cynicism. You can avoid such manifestations by opening your feelings and allowing them to spill out on others.

Another characteristic of Nadezhda is her determined desire to achieve her plans and goals, and their scale is not important (from global career advancement to mastering a culinary skill).

In general, Nadezhda is characterized by masculine traits: perseverance, firmness, developed leadership qualities, and some adventurism. Sociability and openness are combined in her with restraint; she will not waste time on useless female chatter.

Speaking about the seasonality of the name, it is worth noting that:

  • “winter” Nadi are modest and reserved, but they are devoted friends;
  • “spring” ones are vain and obsessed with the idea of ​​self-development;
  • “summer” – light, harmonious, cheerful;
  • “Autumn” people are hardworking and practical.

Character traits of the name Nadezhda

The noble quality that gave a woman such a name also endows her with other not so gentle traits. Energy, obsession with victory and leadership, activity, determination – these are the main bonuses to the virtue of Nadezhda.

Often this name is awarded to the only and long-awaited child. Therefore, by absorbing this attitude, she is formed as a real commander, who loves to be recognized as superior.

The combination of rough masculine and deep feminine principles manifests a fireworks display of polar qualities in her character. She is cold, stubborn, energetic and achievement-oriented. But, at the same time, she is capable of strong emotions, artistic, compassionate and generous.

The explosive mixture in the character of these women does not leave them unnoticed: some become crazy about their character, and for some it is simply unbearable. Moreover, if Nadya values ​​a person, she will always be on his side, will provide any feasible (and overwhelming) support and help, since she is not able to refuse loved ones. But those who have earned disfavor will have to say goodbye to the thought of peace, because these women highly value honesty. Therefore, the person who betrayed her is automatically crossed off from her list of trust.

The owner of this name can simply be thrown off balance by a completely innocent joke. At the same time, she quickly comes to her senses and calms down. Although with age she becomes restrained in these manifestations of feelings. Humor is the weak point of these women, but logic is a powerful argument in any discussion. At the same time, pride and a heightened sense of independence often pushes the owners of this name to demonstrate that everything is fine with them.

Family and love relationships of Nadezhda

Possessing a bright appearance, a spectacular appearance and an ardent temperament, Nadezhda is capable of often falling in love, and at the same time she is capable of rash actions, which she may later repent of. In her youth, she can have a sufficient number of novels, but in marriage she acquires regularity and sedateness.

For such women, marriage is either early or, on the contrary, is delayed, because she becomes picky and is afraid to sacrifice freedom.

Marriage changes a woman a little, she becomes more reserved. Although she still gravitates towards leadership, trying to tactfully manage her life, commanding her husband and raising children.

In the family, Nadezhda lets go of rudeness and competitive spirit, considering them non-local, and only occasionally shows strong emotional outbursts. At the same time, the woman tries to quietly take a dominant position – while preserving her husband’s manhood, she spins it as she wishes. This is how her ability to manipulate is manifested; being in emotional peace, she is able to take advantage of any situation.

In relation to children, she demonstrates rigor and exactingness, while remaining fair. He does not tyrannize children, although if there is a good reason, he will punish them, so he enjoys authority.

Nadezhda is an excellent housewife; she knows how to run a house economically and at the same time impeccably.

Choice of profession, Business, career Hopes

The careers of these women are firmly based on two qualities: conscientiousness and scrupulousness. Her responsible approach to tasks, energy and sophisticated ingenuity help her achieve better results in solving work problems. This makes Nadezhda stand out among other employees.

Hope is determined to work; in some cases, its obsession can become dangerous. Plunging into activity, she tries to avoid being distracted by others. Therefore, even insignificant criticism addressed to her will be received with hostility, the answer will be rudeness. She knows better than others what is right, this is her opinion. At the same time, she really does an excellent job, since her intellectual qualities allow her to build complex connections into a single logical chain, attaching importance to any, even minor, details and nuances.

This woman is capable of achieving a career in any field; she can handle both creativity and routine. Therefore, the professional range of bearers of this name is quite wide: from actresses to flight attendants, librarians and doctors. She is interested in areas where she can show her unconventional mind and creative approach.

Nadezhda is shown a personal business, since she has an entrepreneurial spirit. She is competitive, enterprising, and her leadership qualities make her resilient in the race for victory. Her business will be successful and prosper, and if she enjoys it, then the economic benefits from the project will be fantastic.

Health of Hope

The restless character of the owner of the name makes itself felt from childhood. The girl gives up breastfeeding early, requiring complementary feeding, and often suffers from stomach pain due to overeating.

Nadezhda is prone to acute respiratory infections and diseases that often spread to the upper respiratory tract. Often the bearers of this name suffer from a sore throat and tonsils. It is important that Nadezhda is not recommended to have them removed until adolescence. Due to a weak immune system, these women often suffer from the flu, and, being original, they suffer from it more often in the summer. Even as an adult, Nadya can get sick from childhood infectious diseases, such as mumps or chickenpox. Frequent sore throats create a risk of rheumatism and manifestations of coronary disease.

Since childhood, Nadya has been growing up as a sociable and sociable person, but if you do not pay attention to the formation of her intellect, there is a risk of developmental delays and mental retardation. At the same time, the girl’s physical development most often goes ahead of the norm.

Another health problem is infectious skin diseases, which are most often localized on the face: staphylococcus, acne.

As she reaches old age, Nadezhda suffers from gynecological diseases and is tormented by painful sensations in her legs. Due to suspiciousness, the recovery process can drag on for years. An uncompromising race for leadership leads to a weakening of the nervous system, manifestations of gastritis, and vision problems are often reported.

Name Hope for baby

A girl with this name attracts attention with her activity and some stubbornness. She is easy to recognize among other children because of her commitment to wild games, and she is always surrounded by the attention of her peers.

Parents should pay attention to Nadina’s manifestations of prudence and selfish actions. Stopping them at an early age means giving it the opportunity to develop more harmoniously.

At school, Nadya feels confident because she enjoys the process, and she does well. At the same time, good grades serve as a great incentive and motivation for achievements, and not the acquisition of knowledge as such. For his qualities in the class he becomes an honored leader.

In childhood, with adequate parental care, she rarely gets sick, but it is important to develop a responsible attitude towards health.

Being a fighter for justice, she occupies a leading position in the team and enjoys authority. Parents should direct her energy in a peaceful direction, take her to clubs and sections where she can give vent to her talents.

Name days:

March 14, March 20, September 30, October 21

Diminutive version

Nadechka, Nadyusha, Nadyushenka, Nadenka, Nadyunya, Nadyona, Nadyusya, Nadezhdushka, Nadezhdochka


Nadya, Nadka, Nadyukha, Nadekha, Nadya, Nadina, Nadisha, Dina, Dinusya

According to the church



  • Orange


  • Saturn


  • air

Stone talisman

coral, agate




clove, calendula

Totem animal


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