Origin of the name Moses

The name Moses has been known since the Old Testament. That’s where it originates from. Translated as “I took it from the water.”

According to the legend of the Old Testament, the cruel Egyptian pharaoh ordered to kill all newborn boys from the clan of Israel, because… feared that in the future they would gather an army against the power of Egypt. Rivers of blood and tears were shed in those days. Many tried to protect their children from the cruel will of the pharaoh. But only one woman succeeded. She hid the cradle with the baby in the reeds of the Nile River. By a lucky coincidence, the pharaoh’s daughter herself happened to be nearby. The girl found the boy and raised him as her son. The child was named Moses – a child taken from the water.

Moses became the great Jewish prophet, the unifier of the Israeli people, and the founder of Judaism. To this day, the Savior is revered by Jews from all over the world.

The name is found among many peoples. Among the Jews it is Moishe, Moishe, in the Caucasus it is Movses, the English form is Moses. A similar character is found in the Koran – the Islamic prophet Musa. The name did not gain popularity in Russia.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Moses

From an early age, Moise is in good standing with adults. This is a kind, obedient child. Loves outdoor games, but avoids arguments with peers. He is a diligent student at school. Diligently prepares for classes, shows activity and interest in the material being studied. Trusting relationship with parents. As an adult, he often visits his father’s house and maintains excellent relationships with his family.

As he gets older, he becomes a little indecisive in making decisions. He weighs the pros and cons for a long time and leads an internal struggle. Therefore, a man should avoid leadership positions. Yes, he does not strive to be a leader. Work involving manual labor is suitable. The young man is diligent and patient. It is worth paying attention to such professions as carpenter, carpenter, mechanic, pastry chef, massage therapist.

Moses, as a rule, avoids conflict situations, but if it comes to an argument, he will be able to calmly defend his point of view. Easily finds arguments and defends his innocence. Acts as an opponent to the brawler and does not start the discord first.

The man avoids noisy companies and bustle. At parties he prefers to watch what is happening from the sidelines. Risk, danger, search for adventure – this is not a story about Moses. He is careful and prudent. In extreme situations, he may show weakness and succumb to panic.

The representative of the name completely lacks any mercantile interest in people. He is honest, straightforward, selfless. These traits are valued by people around you, loved ones, and relatives. Envious people can take advantage of the kindness of a young man. Despite the betrayal, Moses maintains faith in people.

A good family man, a faithful husband. But he is absolutely stingy in expressing feelings, does not know how to give compliments, or show tenderness to a woman. Despite this, girls love the young man for his clarity of intentions, pragmatism, and unpretentious character. He becomes a reliable companion for the rest of his life.

Name days:

January 27, February 7, March 8, April 30, August 8, September 10, September 17, October 11

Diminutive version

Moshe, Mosya, Monya, Moise


Moisha, Moses

According to the church



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