Origin of the name Mirra

The female name Mirra has several versions of its origin. According to one of them, in Ancient Greece there was a male name Muron (Myron), meaning “myrrh” (“fragrant resin”). The name Mirra was his paired feminine form. According to another, the names Mira and Mirra are the same and have the same Slavic root -mir-. It is enough to remember the names with it: Miroslav, Lyubomir, Vladimir, Radomir. According to the third version, Mirra is a name borrowed from Japanese, translated as “treasure of the future.” Finally, some consider it to be a short form of the Arabic name Amira (Emira), meaning “mistress.” This name is not in the calendar, so its bearer does not celebrate her name day.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Mirra

In early childhood, Mirra is very soft, this even worries her parents, but as she grows up, the girl’s character acquires firmness and resilience. She is a serious and deep nature, striving for inner harmony. Sometimes this desire can spill out on others in the form of causeless irritation. Mirra has been squeamish since childhood, she is very clean: she early learns the rules of caring for herself. She studies well, having an analytical mind coupled with an excellent memory. At school, Mirra organizes events and participates in all competitions. She is often a member of the student government group. The girl has a good ear for music; if she develops it, she can achieve success as a singer.

Friends love the girl for her reliability and loyalty to her word. She has few friends, but many friends of the opposite sex, usually they are older than her. It is important for parents to ensure that she does not fall into bad company. Her only drawback is her excessive seriousness; a girl needs to be taught to relax sometimes and give herself the opportunity to make mistakes. Mirra has good vitality. She rarely gets sick and takes care of her health.

Mirra is not a person who strives for success, but she often achieves heights. A girl can choose any specialty: she will be able to show her best side in all guises. Mirra is a meticulous and efficient employee. Her colleagues respect her for her punctuality and responsibility. If her means allow, she will happily do charity work.

Mirra holds back her feelings, often her lover does not even know about them. She does not have a pronounced sexuality, but men are attracted to her by her peace of mind. Mirra is a monogamous woman; she marries before the age of 25 to a calm and self-confident man. Mirra is a good and thrifty housewife. She constantly cleans the house. Working with children and their comprehensive development brings her pleasure. She has disagreements with her husband because of her constant nagging.

Name days:

15 December

Diminutive version

Mirasha, Mirochka



According to the church



  • Orange


  • Saturn


  • air

Stone talisman






Totem animal

parrot, weasel

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