History of the origin of the name Milan

Milan is a fairly popular name today. It is suitable for a real little knight, a prince from fairy tales, a defender of the weak and offended. This name is from ancient fairy tales, it has ancient Slavic roots, the name of heroes of myths and legends. It is worth noting that it has nothing to do with the name of the Italian city Milan. Since this name has pagan roots, it remains without an ecclesiastical form. You will not find either it or its form in the Orthodox calendar, which means Milan does not have name days. This name also has a feminine form – Milana (not to be confused with Melania). For many years this name was forgotten, but today old Slavic names are being used more and more often, which means there are more and more babies with the beautiful name Milan.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Milan

Milan in translation means “dear”, “beloved”. Indeed, it is impossible not to fall in love with men bearing this wonderful name. They are usually charming, attractive, and sociable. Milan is very reliable and friendly, he has a keen sense of justice. Often men with this name play the role of a “fair knight,” always standing up for the offended.

In childhood, these are always soft, easy-going boys, they study well, achieve significant results both in school and in sports. At the same time, Milan is always surrounded by a crowd of peers who are attracted by his easy-going nature and cheerfulness. It is worth noting that Milan’s character changes little with age. And in an adult company he will always be a welcome guest. Milan can easily carry on a conversation and create a relaxed atmosphere in any team.

Milans are temperamental, noble, sociable, friendly, but at the same time, like all people, they are not without negative qualities. In particular, men with this name are susceptible to flattery. In addition, Milans themselves are often quite crafty. They will always be able to turn the situation to their advantage, unless, of course, it goes against their principles.

The choice of profession is influenced by a heightened sense of duty. Milanese often want to give back to society. They often become doctors, military officers, engineers, and journalists. In her profession, if she likes it, Milan will reach significant heights. Good organizational skills combined with an easy-going nature, hard work and punctuality often bring good results. In the Milan team they usually “carry it on their hands”, all the work rests on them and sooner or later it bears fruit.

Men with this name begin to please the fair sex early. A charming, cheerful young man never goes unnoticed. However, Milan does not seek to start a family early, he is looking for the one and only, neglecting casual connections. An early marriage often ends in divorce, as Milan quickly becomes disillusioned. Still, these men usually start a family after their thirtieth birthday. In this case, they become wonderful family men, they are faithful, very attentive husbands and caring fathers. Milan adores children, especially girls, and enjoys playing with them. He will never let his family be offended, taking very personally the slightest infringement of the rights of his loved ones.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Milančik, Milanushka



According to the church



  • green


  • Saturn


  • water

Stone talisman

amethyst, rock crystal




aspen, barberry

Totem animal


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