Origin of the name Micah
Often the beautiful, sonorous and rare name Micah is identified with the very common male name Mikhail. The short name Micah is simply considered by many of us to be a shortened version of the name Michael. In fact, these names are not equivalent, since time immemorial they have existed independently of each other. But they have a common root, a common origin, a common meaning. In ancient Hebrew, the name Michael was common and had the meaning of “one who is like God.” Both of these names came from him.
One of the first bearers of this name is considered to be Micah-Tichovey, the famous prophet. He was a native of the city of Morasfi, located south of Jerusalem. This man began his prophetic ministry in 778 before the birth of Christ. For 50 years, he predicted various events; Micah felt especially clearly the coming misfortunes. Thus, the prophet very accurately predicted the disasters of the Israelites from the invasion of King Sennacherib. Micah notified his relatives about the birth of Christ, the Savior of the world.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Micah
From early childhood, Micah strives for self-discipline. He loves order in everything, knows how to establish and maintain it. This is a very clean boy. He will assign a specific place for each of his toys and books. Parents need to gently explain to the child that the ideal does not exist in nature, so that his cleanliness in the future does not turn into a manic passion.
This person will be diligent, inquisitive and purposeful. Micah is friendly and patient, but he can become very irritated at the sight of specific everyday little things – dust, dirt, clutter. He also cannot tolerate certain human qualities, these include rudeness, vulgarity, and unprincipledness. He bears a difficult name, and this leaves a special imprint on his personality.
High qualities are natural for him – service to the Motherland, spirituality, honesty, loyalty to duty and loved ones. He wants to see the same qualities in his close people and colleagues. This boy can become an officer, an excellent financier, or a religious figure. He has a penchant for creative professions, music, and can become an actor or composer. It is very important for the bearer of this name to do what he loves; his determination and pedantry allow him to take a high place on the career ladder.
Micah is very responsible when it comes to choosing a life partner; he does not waste his time on casual relationships. This person will be lonely until he meets his true love. He chooses a beautiful, slender woman, with a kind and flexible character, who will make a good, attentive mother. His home is always full, he sincerely loves his wife and children. This is a real father, a faithful husband, a homely owner.
Micah has excellent taste and a sense of proportion. He can wear very bright, colorful clothes and still manages to look natural and impressive. There is no point in imitating him – only Micah can wear things like that. A man loves jewelry and chooses the most presentable ones.
Name days:
January 18, August 14, October 23
Diminutive version
Myheyka, Myheyushko
According to the church
- Orange
- gold
- Sun
- fire
Stone talisman
yellow diamond
peony, cedar, oak
Totem animal
lion, eagle