Origin of the name Mi

The short and sonorous name Mi is of Chinese origin and is translated into Russian as “beautiful, honeyed, blooming.” This name is used with a similar meaning in Vietnam and Korea. It is difficult to establish exactly when they first started calling girls this way in the Middle Kingdom, but now this name is widespread. There is an ancient legend about the beautiful Mi, who brought happiness to those who met her early in the morning on a deserted road. The traveler to whom this mysterious girl gave a gift became incredibly lucky; a great future awaited him.

By naming a daughter this way, parents expect the girl to be attractive in appearance, endowed with all virtues and bring happiness and good fortune to her family. A child with this name should grow up healthy and strong, have a pleasant appearance and prudence.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Mi

The owner of the name Mi already demonstrates a strong-willed and strong character in early childhood. An outwardly docile, calm and polite girl is capable of defending her opinion, fighting for justice, and seeking the truth with childish tenacity. At school, Mi does not amaze the teachers with incredible abilities, but she is hardworking and conscientious, which sets her apart from the crowd of tomboys. Mi loves music, is well versed in literature, has a good memory and excellent logic, thanks to which she is able to quickly master complex and voluminous material.

For her, the betrayal of close friends or a loved one can be a serious blow – she is extremely sensitive to friendship and love. Mi gets married early, usually out of great and mutual feelings and, as a rule, is happy in her marriage. Her home is cozy, she is ready to do housework for hours without feeling irritated by routine work. Mi is an excellent cook, willingly adopting new dishes.

The team values ​​her for her friendliness and ability to work; she leaves nothing for later and never works carelessly. Mi knows how to fit into a new team, easily finds longing contact even with unsociable employees. The strong quality of this hardworking bee is the ability to understand the task well and complete it in accordance with the wishes of the authorities, exactly at the right time. She does not make her career very quickly, but once she heads the enterprise, she turns it into a perfectly functioning mechanism. In business, Mi prefers not to take risks; she avoids dangerous transactions, even those that promise great profit. Her partners value her for her thoughtful approach to business, friendliness and honesty.

Mi loves to travel, is very interested in the unusual traditions of other cultures, and often has many foreign friends. She does not like to change her place of residence, although she easily develops close relationships with new neighbors and quickly makes many friends.

Mi combines a romantic attitude towards the world with rational and sober thinking; in a crisis situation, she is able to quickly make the right decision, is not afraid to take responsibility, and easily copes with management.

When playing sports, Mi trains hard, strictly follows the coach’s instructions, slowly but surely getting in shape.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Mimishka, Mishka



According to the church



  • violet
  • lilac
  • white


  • Луна
  • Saturn


  • air

Stone talisman

agate, beryl, pearl


gold, mercury


moss, lotus, reeds

Totem animal

owl, elephant

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