Origin of the name Maximilian

Maximilian is a male name, the origin and meaning of which is quite ambiguous.

So, there are several versions of the origin of this onym. According to one of them, Maximilian is a name of Latin origin, related to Maxim. And indeed, if we trace the etymology of the word, we will see that Maximilian and Maxim have a common root – maximus, which in translation means “largest”, “majestic”. However, despite the obvious relationship, the names Maxim and Maximilian are positioned as different, which is confirmed by the fact that in the church calendar the two names exist independently of each other and celebrate name days at different times. So, men with the name Maximilian celebrate their name day on August 17 (4).

Another version derives the name Maximilian from the Hebrew “messenger of the gods.”

This male name has become widespread in different languages, which explains a significant number of abbreviated and diminutive variants: Maxim, Maksimka, Maksik, Max, Maximilianchik, Maximiliano, Maksyuta, Maksyusha.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Maximilian

Of course, a person’s name necessarily leaves an imprint on his fate, character and habits. Based on the etymology of the onym Maximilian, we can quite confidently say that men who bear this name are maximalists to the core. Everything they do, they strive to bring to perfection, to the ideal. Of course, this key character trait can bring both success and significantly complicate life, because ideals do not exist in this world.

As a child, Maximilian is a fairly calm child who does not cause his parents any unnecessary trouble. He is balanced, self-possessed and reasonable. The guy usually does well at school, doing equally well in all subjects. However, already in high school, Maximilian clearly defines his priorities and begins to pay special attention to those sciences with which he will connect his professional activities in the future.

As experience and observation show, most often Maximilian chooses professions related to the exact sciences: engineer, programmer, financier, physician. Maximilian can be quite successful in the creative field, in particular in literary activity.

However, no matter what profession a man chooses for himself, in each of them he will try to realize himself to the maximum and reach the top. Maximilian’s honesty, fairness and prudence contribute to his career advancement, so Max quickly occupies a leadership position. However, excessive directness and stubbornness can play a cruel joke on Max, because Maximilian will never give in on issues that are fundamental to him, will not compromise with his own conscience, even if it costs him his career.

Max is a person who is interested in everything new, strives to keep up with the times, and therefore very often does not finish what he starts, because it seems to him that it has already lost its relevance. Having not achieved success in a certain business, Max is not disappointed, but is actively searching for something new, even more interesting and promising.

Maximilian approaches the choice of a life partner with all responsibility and scrupulousness, and therefore the search takes a lot of time. Usually a man gets married late, trying to weigh the pros and cons. Having married, Max turns into an exemplary family man, a wonderful husband and an attentive father. Often, family is the most important thing for him, and therefore he begins to be less attentive to work and stops devoting all his free time to it.

The name Maximilian is common in different countries. Its most famous representatives are: Maximilian Voloshin (poet, painter), Maximilian Yablonovsky (privy councilor, senator), Maximilian Pellegrino (Argentine football player), Maximilian Badensky (German military man, politician), Maximilian Kitner (architect), Maximilian Uitelki (Slovak chess player ), Maximilian Steinberg (Russian composer), Maximiliano Nunez (Argentine football player).

Name days:

March 12, August 4, August 14, August 17, August 18, August 26, October 22, October 25, October 27, October 29, November 4

Diminutive version

Maksyusha, Maka, Sima, Maximilyanka


Maxim, Max, Maksik, Maxya, Maksyuta

According to the church



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