History of the origin of the name Maxim

The male name Maxim appeared in Ancient Rome, being a cognomen (a nickname of one of the family members, which is then passed on to descendants) of a noble and wealthy family. In meaning it is close to the name Maximilian. In Catholicism, the name Maxim is included in the calendar, and it also has related names – Maximian, Maximus. If we consider it from the point of view of Orthodox Christianity, it is worth noting that Maxim’s name day is celebrated two or more times every month. In 19th century Russia, the name was used exclusively among the lower class. It became widespread again only at the end of the 20th century. Note that in modern Europe the name Maxima, which is used to call girls, is gaining popularity.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Maxim

As already noted, the name Maxim appeared in Ancient Rome as a nickname or nickname. It means “great”, “grandiose”, “gigantic”, “colossal”, “huge”. In the Russian language there are also cognate words “maximum”, “maximum” with similar lexical meanings. According to scientists who study phonosemantics, the name evokes the following associations: indestructible, decisive, firm. Note that these epithets do not always coincide with the character traits of a person named Maxim.

Maxim’s character traits

Maxim is a friendly, open, affectionate person. He is a typical extrovert who cannot stand being alone for long periods of time. Maxim has many friends, this man gets along well with people. Being extremely gullible, he does not understand the true thoughts of those around him, which they often take advantage of. Although he himself, possessing the gift of persuasion, likes to shift the burden of responsibility onto others. Maxim is a talented, active, energetic, diplomatic man with an original sense of humor. He has a unique way of thinking and excellent intuition. Maxim is a proud and ambitious person who does not like it when his opinion is neglected. Therefore, loved ones always have to find out his point of view even on simple phenomena. Maxim follows the latest fashion trends, which looks rather ridiculous in adulthood. He strives for a beautiful and rich life, sincerely considering himself the chosen one, worthy of all the best. Although he acquires material independence only in middle age, since he does not put much effort into obtaining it. It is noted that among men with this name there are often weak-willed individuals.

Family and love relationships of Maxim

Maxim begins to become interested in the opposite sex early. You could even say that he is an amorous person. Outwardly, the man looks flighty, but he takes every new relationship quite seriously. In them, Maxim values ​​not only the possibility of obtaining mutual pleasure, but also spiritual intimacy. He likes strong and power-hungry girls, who, however, must admire him. Maxim is insatiable in his sex life, although one cannot blame him for cheating. He enters into intimate relationships early: in his youth, older partners predominate. A man marries late, achieving material well-being. In family life, he gives the leadership role to his wife: she makes decisions and ensures financial stability. However, Maxim still considers himself the head of the family. He is a rather patient husband who forgives his wife for many of her antics. Although he never compromises on controversial issues. A man with this name is a kind father and loving son.

Choice of profession, business, Maxim’s career

Maxim chooses professions in which he can realize his creative potential: artist, performer. He knows how to manipulate people, so he will make an excellent politician. For the same reason, Maxim tries himself in show business, choosing the profession of producer or director. A man with this name is usually very erudite and enjoys doing research. Pedagogy and medicine are areas of science that always attract him. Maxim can be either an honest and calm leader or an efficient subordinate. More often he does not reach career heights, as he is used to going with the flow. At the slightest setback, Maxim may give up. For this reason, he is unable to conduct business, although he usually has many all-powerful patrons.

Maxim’s health

As a child, Maxim rarely gets sick: like all his peers, he suffers from colds several times a year. With age, he needs to take them more seriously, as there may be complications in the genitourinary system (vesiculitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the urethra). Maxim also sometimes develops kidney disease. In order to avoid these problems, he needs to prevent colds and hypothermia, and undergo annual medical examinations. It is noted that the man, named Maxim, is susceptible to depression, which he can suppress with drugs, smoking and alcohol. To cope with it, Maxim should engage in sports, which tidy up not only the body, but also the spirit.

Name Maxim for a child

Maxim is an obedient, calm and flexible child. He is usually considered a parent’s favorite. He is easily influenced by them. Adults can take advantage of this character trait by setting a positive example. Maxim is a kind and merciful boy, he loves animals and does not offend the weak. His sensitivity and vulnerability in childhood touches adults, but later interferes with him. Maxim always helps his mother; more often he communicates in the family with representatives of the fairer sex. Therefore, his father, uncle, and grandfather should spend a lot of time with him to develop masculine qualities in him. Together they can eradicate the weak character inherent in the boy. Maxim has an excellent memory, he excels in all school subjects, independently solving the problems of academic life. Among his comrades and classmates, he occupies a leading position. The boy loves to collect things, read books, go to the theater, and play sports. It is interesting that, being an active and creative person, the indecisive Maxim is afraid of the unknown. As already noted, it is easy to control and can be manipulated. However, as a teenager, Maxim himself learns to use people for his own purposes. And he succeeds. At the same time, the young man begins to show arrogance, so his parents need to put him in his place from time to time.

Name days:

January 8, January 15, January 20, January 25, January 26, January 28, January 29, January 31, February 3, February 12, February 18, February 19, March 4, March 19, April 2, April 13, April 23 , April 30 , May 4 , May 5 , May 11 , May 13 , May 25 , May 27 , June 1 , June 10 , June 25 , July 4 , July 15 , August 2 , August 12 , August 13 , August 20 , 24 August, August 26, September 2, September 6, September 12, September 15, September 18, September 28, October 8, October 20, October 22, October 30, November 4, November 5, November 9, November 10, November 12, November 18, November 19, November 24, November 27, December 5, December 19, December 27

Diminutive version

Maksimka, Maksimchik, Maksimushka, Maksik, Maksimka, Masya, Masik, Maksusha, Maximilian


Max, Maka, Maxya, Sima, Sim

According to the church



  • crimson


  • Pluto


  • water

Stone talisman





ash, fuchsia

Totem animal


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