History of the origin of the name Matvey

The name Matvey has Hebrew roots, the etymology of the name means “gift from God”, “God’s gift”.

The name Matthew is also found in the Bible – it was borne by the evangelist, one of the twelve apostles. Matvey is a modern form of the Old Slavonic name Matthew (Matthew). Analogues of the name are also present in other nations, for example, in England Matvey would be called Matthew, and in Western Europe the German Matthias is found.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Matvey

Since ancient times, parents gave this name to their long-awaited children, giving thanks to God for their appearance. Matvey grows up all his life in parental love and really needs the support of his family. Matvey is very calm outwardly, but sometimes he can flare up so much that later he will regret what he said in a fit of anger. A man with this name may worry about the future, but he hopes for help in resolving problems from his loved ones. It is very important for Matvey to believe in his own importance, to reveal his potential, then he will be able to become a leader and lead others. His innate perseverance and courage will help him in this.

Character traits of the name Matvey

Matvey is a real diplomat and peacemaker. He is modest and does not like to attract unnecessary attention to his person. In his adult life, Matvey seems to be a closed and even rude person, but this is not so. Behind the external indifference lies a lively character. He is prone to self-criticism and is also intolerant of other people’s shortcomings. Matvey knows how to make friends, loves making new acquaintances, but he won’t call everyone a true friend.

Matvey tries to smooth out conflict situations in the bud, but if a quarrel cannot be avoided, Matvey feels depressed. He is characterized by frank honesty and a keen sense of justice.

Family and love relationships of Matvey

Matvey adheres to strong moral principles. In his youth, Matvey often falls in love, but takes relationships with the opposite sex seriously. An adult man named Matvey seeks to take responsibility for the woman he loves, calling her his wife. He treats divorce with caution, rather negatively. He is a sensitive husband and attentive father. Love and mutual understanding reign in Matvey’s family, although they cannot do without minor domestic quarrels. He devotes maximum free time to his children and actively participates in their upbringing along with his wife. Matvey hopes to meet old age in a family circle with children and grandchildren.

Choice of profession, Business, Matvey’s career

Matvey has all the prerequisites to create a successful career and take a leadership position if he can believe in his own strength and put aside his natural indecisiveness. He wants everything or nothing for himself. Character strengths can turn into weaknesses and stand in the way of professional growth. Matvey’s vanity, impulsiveness, and recklessness will destroy all the beginnings of a successful business, throwing him far back. Admitting mistakes and starting all over again is not easy for Matvey, except through an effort of will to continue working on himself. It will be easiest for a man named Matvey to “break through” in the field of management, banking, economics, and in the service. He can become a practicing doctor or a professional athlete.

Matvey’s health

Little Matvey’s parents are not worried about his health. A child rarely gets sick, and if he does, he tolerates childhood illnesses easily and without complications. During training, you need to avoid excessive strain on the eyes, this can lead to deterioration in Matvey’s vision. Since childhood, Matvey has been in full health and, having entered adulthood, does not complain of illnesses, although his condition largely depends on his chosen profession. Sports injuries related to the functioning of the musculoskeletal system are possible, but Matvey recovers quite quickly and forgets about his ill health.

Name Matvey for a child

Matvey’s childhood is carefree. As a child, he is quite sociable and easily makes friends. Non-conflict, he prefers not to get involved in street fights, but to resolve matters with words. He shows a sincere interest in DIY crafts; he has a well-developed imagination and patience for this. Matvey is not very interested in studying, but his character does not allow him to treat it irresponsibly; most often, Matvey brings home B grades. He loves his family and is very attached to them; in his youth he tries to live up to his parents’ expectations. Little Matvey is called by derivative diminutive names: Matveyka, Matveychik, Matya, Motya, Matyusha.

Name days:

April 25, June 1, July 13, August 22, August 25, August 27, October 11, October 18, November 12, November 29, December 15

Diminutive version

Matveyka, Matveyushka, Matveychik, Matya, Matyukha, Matyusha, Matyakha, Matyasha, Motya



According to the church



  • brown


  • Pluto
  • Jupiter


  • water

Stone talisman

chiastolite, opal




walnut, freesia

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