Origin of the name Matilda

There is a widespread theory that the female name Matilda is of German origin: it comes from the ancient Germanic name Mahthildis, consisting of two semantic blocks “power” and “battle”. There is also an interpretation that Matilda means “dangerous beauty” or “powerful attractiveness,” which fully corresponds to the character of the owner of this sonorous name. This name is rare on the territory of the Russian Federation, but in European countries it is very popular.

Characteristics of the name Matilda: main character traits

Matilda is an extraordinary person with a militant disposition. In life, she achieves high goals thanks to leadership qualities, strict discipline, perseverance, and physical endurance. At the same time, she is noble and even aristocratic, striving to surround herself with smart and energetic people. The distinctive features of young Matilda are the desire to always be first, ambition, brilliant grades in all disciplines, and communication skills. She is not afraid of ridicule, she always moves forward towards her goal. Matilda does not acknowledge criticism and will never show how much the comments of others hurt her.

A fighting character and fearlessness help Matilda achieve tremendous success in life – material well-being, career heights, leadership positions. The downside of success is often difficult relationships with others and close relatives. Matilda’s significant drawback is her exaggerated desire to keep everything under control. Her domineering nature cannot tolerate disobedience. It tends to suppress creativity and initiative. She achieves success in entrepreneurship, finance, trade, and banking. Matilda is an energetic person, so she prefers active sports and cultural events to unwind and relax from everyday life. She is interested in music, reads a lot of serious literature, and understands many areas and fields. All this makes her a brilliantly erudite person with whom it is interesting to have a conversation, which is why she is a welcome guest at social events. Matilda loves and knows how to communicate, but behind the mask of cold elegance and generosity hides a tough and very ambitious person.

Positive character traits: generosity, sociability, social courtesy, discipline.

Negative character traits: imperiousness, egocentrism, excessive self-confidence.

What is Matilda like in love?

Matilda is a refined and sleek beauty who knows her worth. She rarely exchanges for casual romances. In the family, she will always strive for a leadership position. The best person for her would be a calm man with an intellectual mindset, who would become an indispensable listener and advisor to her, someone who understands her business projects. Matilda rarely burdens herself with housework, considering it boring and thankless, she strives to hire an assistant. But she makes a wonderful, caring mother who takes great care of her children and always gives them the best. Even despite the hyperprotection with which she surrounds them, the children love and appreciate Matilda very much.

Name days:

March 14, May 31, November 19

Diminutive version



Mattia, Motya

According to the church



  • white


  • Луна


  • water

Stone talisman





water lily

Totem animal


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