History of the origin of the name Maryana

In the Russian language, the name Maryana is a popular version of the beautiful, sonorous female name Marianna. The origin of the latter has several versions. Linguists call the most common of them the Latin and Hebrew variants. The ancient Romans believed that the name Marianna was derived from the family (personal) nickname Marianus (“Mariev, those who belong to Marius”). This personal nickname is a derivative of the family name Marius – “one who belongs to the god Mars.”

From the male name in the language of the ancient Romans a feminine name appeared, Marianilla, a diminutive form of Marianna. In the Latin of the Middle Ages, the name Marianne had the same meaning – “belonging to Mary, the Virgin Mary.” There is another, more common version of the origin of the name Marianna. The ancient Jews simply put together beautiful female names – Mary and Anna. In their language, the name Maria means “sad,” Anna means “beauty.” The name Marianne received the meaning “saddened beauty.”

Meaning and characteristics of the name Maryana

Parents will have almost no trouble with a girl named Maryana. This is a typical “daddy’s girl.” She resembles her father in appearance and behavior; he is an unquestioned authority for her. The girl has many friends because she attracts people with her sociability and charm.

Maryana is a true optimist. She believes that problems should be paid as little attention as possible, and then they will disappear on their own. When this does not happen, she brilliantly copes with troubles without dragging others into her own tragedies. Maryana will also accept support, if only it is provided in good faith.

This girl loves fashionable clothes, knows how to take care of herself, and always looks stylish. She cannot refuse delicious food, for this reason she has to fight extra pounds. She really likes theater productions; she herself can become an actress, since she has a talent for impersonation.

Maryana is distinguished by her intelligence and unconventional thinking. She is a wonderful humanist and techie, has no unloved subjects, and loves to please her parents with excellent grades. Sports sections and a theater group are her areas of interest in her free time.

This sensual girl begins to be interested in young men around the age of 20. But young men are attracted to it much earlier. “Daddy’s girl” subconsciously chooses a knight who can become her reliable support in life. Often the chosen one is much older than Maryana herself. She may get married very early, and will not consult anyone about her decision.

Autumn Maryans are a little flighty, their marriage is not strong. All other bearers of this name are true homemakers. Leading the family, Maryana manages not to suppress or humiliate her household members. She is an attentive mother, a beloved wife, and a wonderful housewife.

Maryana should choose creative professions: clothing designer, musician, actress, translator. This woman enjoys any work, so she will always be a sought-after specialist.

Name days:

March 2, October 17

Diminutive version

Maryasha, Masha



According to the church

Maria, Mariamna


  • blue


  • Mars


  • fire

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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